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  • Plugin Author Jonathan Daggerhart


    Hi Type Historian,

    You’ll need to add custom code to your theme’s functions.php file.

    To do so, visit the above url and click the “Raw” button near the top of the page, copy all the code except line 1 ( don’t copy the <?php ), and paste it into your active theme’s functions.php file near the bottom.

    If the last line of your functions.php file is ?>, then make sure to paste this code above that line.

    For more information on adding code to your functions.php file, here is a video that goes through the process. This video will show you how to go to the wordpress dashboard and visit Appearance >> Editor, select the “Theme Functions” file, and copy and paste code into the file.

    Let me know if you run into issues.


    Also, could you please export your query and post it’s code here, or send it to me by email? I’d like to see how you put it together.


    OMG, it works exactly right! Thank you SO much!!!

    I think I’m very lucky that Suffusion, my wonderful(!) theme, provides a child theme especially for bbPress, so the changes will not be affected by a theme update.

    Here is the QW export–hope it helps the l-o-n-g list of folks seeking a solution to bbPress’s “Recent Replies” Blues:

    $query = array (
      'name' => 'Hottest Topics',
      'slug' => 'hottest-topics',
      'type' => 'widget',
      'path' => '',
      'data' =>
      array (
        'display' =>
        array (
          'title' => 'Hottest Topics',
          'style' => 'unformatted',
          'row_style' => 'fields',
          'post_settings' =>
          array (
            'size' => 'excerpt',
          'header' => '',
          'footer' => '',
          'empty' => '',
          'wrapper-classes' => '',
          'page' =>
          array (
            'path' => '',
            'template-file' => 'index.php',
            'pager' =>
            array (
              'type' => 'default',
              'previous' => '',
              'next' => '',
            'template-name' => 'Default',
          'field_settings' =>
          array (
            'fields' =>
            array (
              'post_title' =>
              array (
                'type' => 'post_title',
                'hook_key' => 'post_title',
                'name' => 'post_title',
                'weight' => '0',
                'label' => '',
                'custom_output' => '',
        'args' =>
        array (
          'posts_per_page' => '5',
          'post_status' => 'publish',
          'offset' => 0,
          'sorts' =>
          array (
            'date' =>
            array (
              'type' => 'date',
              'hook_key' => 'post_date',
              'name' => 'date',
              'weight' => '0',
              'order_value' => 'DESC',
            'ID' =>
            array (
              'type' => 'ID',
              'hook_key' => 'post_ID',
              'name' => 'ID',
              'weight' => '1',
              'order_value' => 'DESC',
          'filters' =>
          array (
            'post_types' =>
            array (
              'type' => 'post_types',
              'hook_key' => 'post_types',
              'name' => 'post_types',
              'weight' => '0',
              'post_types' =>
              array (
                'post' => 'post',
                'reply' => 'reply',
              'exposed_label' => '',
              'exposed_desc' => '',
              'exposed_key' => '',
              'exposed_settings' =>
              array (
                'type' => 'select',

    Thanks again, Anna

    Uh-oh… It looks like I spoke too soon:

    The “Hottest Topics” menu option worked perfectly a few minutes ago as reported above.

    Now alluva sudden it no longer appears in the navigation menu as intended.

    Any ideas how to fix it?

    Thanks again for your efforts, Anna

    So sorry to report…

    I tried fiddling with the widget settings—the best I could do was display the “Hottest Topics” heading and an empty list.

    When that happened, the secondary sidebar disappeared from my home page:

    I disabled QW, and the sidebar returned. I enabled again, and both sidebars are working okay at the moment.

    To be on the safe side, I decided to deactivate it until we get it 100% right.

    I’m very grateful for your hard work and look forward to solving this glitch—site visitors really miss the important “Hottest Topics” feature!


    P.S. In case it helps, this is a copy of functions.php for the Suffusion bbpress child theme. I’ve tried it with and without “?>” at the end/with and without a blank line before it, and it made no difference:

     * Your child theme's core functions file
     * @package Suffu-scion
    // This is the entry for your custom functions file. The name of the function is suffu_scion_theme_setup and its priority is 15.
    // So it will run after Suffusion's function, which is executed with a priority 10.
    add_action("after_setup_theme", "suffu_scion_theme_setup", 15);
     * Use this function to add/remove hooks for Suffusion's execution, or to disable theme functionality
    function suffu_scion_theme_setup() {
    	// If you want to disable the "Additional Options for Suffusion" box:
    	// remove_theme_support('suffusion-additional-options');
    	// If you want to disable left sidebars for something that Suffusion doesn't support through options:
    	// add_filter('suffusion_can_display_left_sidebars', 'kill_left_sidebars');
    	// ... and for right sidebars:
    	// add_filter('suffusion_can_display_right_sidebars', 'kill_right_sidebars');
    	// ... You will need to define the kill_left_sidebars and kill_right_sidebars functions.
    	// And so on.
     * Here you can define any additional functions that you are hooking in the theme sectup function.
     * Filter for bbpress reply post_title, without "Reply To: " prefix
     * - reference:
    function custom_bbp_get_reply_title_fallback( $post_title = '', $post_id = 0 ){
      // Bail if title not empty, or post is not a reply
      if ( ! empty( $post_title ) || ! bbp_is_reply( $post_id ) ) {
        return $post_title;
      // Get reply topic title.
      $topic_title = bbp_get_reply_topic_title( $post_id );
      return apply_filters( 'bbp_get_reply_title_fallback', $reply_title, $post_id, $topic_title );
    // add custom filter
    add_filter( 'the_title', 'custom_bbp_get_reply_title_fallback', 2, 2);
    // remove bbpress default filter
    remove_filter( 'the_title', 'bbp_get_reply_title_fallback', 2);

    Plugin Author Jonathan Daggerhart


    Hi Type Historian,

    I was a little skeptical of using query wrangler to achieve what you needed for this widget. At this time, I don’t think QW provides a good solution for what you need, but because of these threads, I will be adding functionality to support bbPress in the future.

    In the mean time, I recommend you use the custom shortcode that I’m working on with Ovidiu in this other thread:

    The idea is that you take the custom code from here: and paste it into your functions.php file. Then you can use the shortcode [bbpress_recent_replies_by_topic] to display it in a widget or on a page. I recommend reading through that discussion and see if you can get this solution working better for you.

    Once you have the code in place and the widget is appearing, you can edit the custom_bbpress_recent_reply_row_template() function to show exactly what you want. I can help you with that part a little bit, but I’m not sure I can help with using Query Wrangler until I have a chance to update the plugin to support bbPress better.

    As far as your functions.php file goes, you don’t need the ?> at the end of the file.

    Let me know if you run into trouble.

    Dear Jonathan,

    After so many days of thrashing angst over this “traffic stopping” issue… Less than an hour ago, I accidentally discovered an unbelievably EASY way to do exactly what I want to do.

    It turns out that the bundled bbPress widget labeled “Recent Topics” has an option to list only topics with replies. Duh, who knew?

    So now I use the same widget twice with different labels.

    I sincerely thank you once more for your extraordinary kindness, Anna

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