• Hi,

    I am brand new to wordpress and bbpress. I just installed both and am trying to get the integration running.

    I have put the bbpress-integration.php file in the wp-content/plugins directory and activated it.
    The instructions say to
    1. Go to Plugins -> bbPress and enter your bbPress table prefix.

    I’m sorry but I have no idea what this means? I have tried looking through the code to find somewhere to put the prefix, I have clicked on all the links in the plugin admin and I have tried to view
    both with and without the extra folder (and whilst activated and deactivated) and I get this error message:
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: add_action() in /home/adella/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/bbpress-integration/bbpress-integration.php on line 87

    I have also added require_once(‘bbpress/bb-load.php’); to wp-config.php and require_once(‘../wp-blog-header.php’); to bbpress’s config.php

    Please could someone enlighten me as to how to carry out this step?

    Many Thanks,
    – Eris

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  • 1. Go to Plugins -> bbPress and enter your bbPress table prefix.

    I’m sorry but I have no idea what this means?

    Look inside the config.php for your bbpress install. It’s prol’ly bb_

    Thread Starter ErisDS


    Hi whooami,

    Thanks for your help, but its not the bbPress table prefix that I don’t understand, I know what it is and it is bb_ it is the Go to Plugins -> bbPress bit, where am I supposed to go and where am I supposed to put the prefix>


    – Eris

    ohh, I follow now. That I cannot answer, sorry. ??

    I must be misunderstanding, but from what I understand, int he wordpress dashboard, go to the ‘Plugins’ tab, then the ‘bbPress’ sub-tab, therer should be a textbox to put it in on that page… If I am misunderstanding your problem, I apologize.

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