This is too custom a need to be handled by BuddyPress Media, as of now. What you can do is that add ‘bp-media-key’ postmeta and give it the userid or (-)groupid.
That is, if you want it to appear on a users’ profile, and the user’s ID is 99. ‘bp-media-key’ would be 99.
If you want it to appear on a group’s profile, and the group Id is 99, ‘bp-media-key’ would be -99.
This will automatically display it under Wall Posts. In case, you want a specialised album, just add a post of ‘bp_media_album’ custom post type for your needs for each user. You may save the id in the usermeta.
Finally, just make sure the media has this album id set as the parent.
That’s the theory of it. using standard WP functions and appropriate filters on bbPress, this should be a breeze. Keep us in the loop.