Hey, this is rather disappointing that people do not try to search for a solution. Have you read FAQ or Integration Guide? It is right there, the simplest possible case of integration.
Here is the solution:
The first way (old and obsolete one): put string “bbp_get_forum_content” into field “Custom Filters” on the Settings/Languages[Integration] page /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=qtranslate-x#integration
The second way: put the following json code into field “Custom Configuration” on the Settings/Languages[Integration] page:
"all-pages": {
"filters": {
"text": {
The third way (most appropriate): create a i18n-config.json
file with the json code above, save this file anywhere you wish, and put path to this file into option “Configuration Files” on Settings/Languages[Integration] page. Also report it to BBPress plugin authors so that they could put this file into their distribution permanently.
I found filter name “bbp_get_forum_content” in the line 443 of the file /wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/forums/template.php
following the instruction from FAQ.
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