• Resolved mikiheart


    Hello. I really need help. I’ve run into this problem before, and gotten this error. I’ve always managed to fix it. But this time nothing is working.

    I’m getting the following error:

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 94371840 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 7680 bytes) in /home/****/public_html/other/****.com/wp-admin/includes/misc.php on line 239

    I’m trying to access the dashboard after activating bbpress and being shut out by this error.

    After activating the plugin, it shows the error in /wp-admin/includes/media.php

    There are originally no restrictions in the wp-settings.php or wp-config.php to limiting memory. I tried adding them, but it didn’t do anything.

    I have a VPS. I went in and changed the value in my control panel. the PHP memory limit is now sitting at 200mb. But I still get the error.

    I’m unsure if this is a wordpress/bbpress issue or an issue with my hosting company. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

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  • did you followed this guide?


    please confirm if the change has taken place too by installing a plugin

    if you are stuck you can kill php/apache server and restart them

    Thread Starter mikiheart


    I did try the edit. It didn’t work. I’ve also tried restarting the apache server, as well as the VPS itself.

    I installed the first plugin that came up for memory, and it says this on the dashboard.

    “PHP Version : 5.3.22 / 64Bit OS
    Memory limit : 90 MB
    Memory usage : 83.82 MB”

    It’s somehow stuck on 90MBs, but it shouldn’t be. I configured it higher in the php settings, and my VPS has 1.5GBs of dedicated ram.

    Interestingly, jetpack says that my site has 39 Blocked malicious login attempts.

    My site is still being developed and currently has a coming soon page up.

    The plugins I have installed so far are:
    Broken Link Checker
    Bunyad Page Builder
    Bunyad Shortcodes
    Bunyad Widgets
    Coming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode by SeedProd
    Contact Form 7
    Custom Sidebars
    Instagram Feed
    Jetpack by WordPress.com
    Revolution Slider
    Social Count Plus
    WP Retina 2x

    and I’ve had this sort of mix before, plus many other plugins and not had this kind of trouble before. Actually, the only one that I haven’t used before it the instagram feed.

    Another place where memory option can be given is php.ini

    what you can do is create a php file with following code and load it in your browser

    <?php phpinfo(); ?>

    look for


    there. and if it is set to 90 mb you need to edit your php.ini file. location of php.ini file will be given in same page, try find for php.ini on the page.

    Thread Starter mikiheart


    Yes, it’s set at 90M in the php.ini file.
    The location is “/usr/local/lib/php.ini”
    But I’m unsure how to access it.
    Do I have to login to my server remotely? I’ve only done that once before.

    Thank you for helping me by the way.

    you might have to login via SSH and edit this file as this file normally isnt visible in FTP.

    Thread Starter mikiheart


    I’m not sure how to do that. I’ll google it and get back to you.

    Thread Starter mikiheart


    Nope. Have no clue what I’m doing. I’ll contact my host @.@

    Thread Starter mikiheart


    I managed to get it working. Thank you for your help.

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