As I browsed this forum pages, over the last few days, I noticed that a live interest for tools expanding the actual WordPress potential is present and well detectable. The many requests for “static” pages, just to make a plain example, let you understand what I mean.
Such a general feeling bears witness that WordPress is rated highly as a tool and, at the same time, the real needs of many expand beyond just a blog tool for their sites. Indeed, bb tool is useful to people (as this very site proves ??
Sure, having a bbtool that shares the same skilled developpers, the same sound and flexible approach, and the same active community, is very interesting. And probably, letting both tools share also the same databases, tables and authentication could be in some way the easiest step at this point, and a great leap forward, at the same time.
Things could be made easier, maybe, should the authentication be placed outside both blog and bb tools, as an independent component. [Warning: I am not a developper. Technically, I’m about zero. I just *suppose*…]