• Resolved xi63ereur


    Hi there.

    I’m on the latest wordpress (4.4.2) and using version 1.11.2 of the plugin.

    If I go to Tools > Link Checker, and I mouse over one of the links, and click “verify again”, the check works, and the link is updated via Ajax with it’s status (200 oK for example).

    But the problem is all of my 3000+ links have status “not verified”. If I try to select a bunch of them using “batch actions” and select “verify again”, the page simply reloads and nothing happens.

    In Config > Link Checker, I have 3000+ links with status “waiting”.

    Here’s my debug info:

    Vers?o do PHP	5.6.4-4ubuntu6.4
    Vers?o do MySQL	5.6.28
    Vers?o do CURL	7.38.0
    Snoopy	Instalado
    Safe mode	Desativado
    open_basedir	Desativado
    Default PHP execution time limit	30 segundos
    Database character set	DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci
    Resynch. flag	0
    Synch. records	767
    Link records	3065 (5344)
    Last email notification	Never
    Installation log	Plugin activated at 2016-04-09 16:13:04.
    Installation/update begins.
    Upgrading the database...
    ... SHOW TABLES (0.001 seconds)
    [OK] CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <code>wp_blc_filters</code> ( <code>id</code> int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, <code>name</code> varchar(100) NOT NULL, <code>params</code> text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (<code>id</code>) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci (0.008 seconds)
    [OK] CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <code>wp_blc_instances</code> ( <code>instance_id</code> int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, <code>link_id</code> int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, <code>container_id</code> int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, <code>container_type</code> varchar(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'post', <code>link_text</code> text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', <code>parser_type</code> varchar(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'link', <code>container_field</code> varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', <code>link_context</code> varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', <code>raw_url</code> text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (<code>instance_id</code>), KEY <code>link_id</code> (<code>link_id</code>), KEY <code>source_id</code> (<code>container_type</code>, <code>container_id</code>), KEY <code>parser_type</code> (<code>parser_type</code>) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci (0.010 seconds)
    [OK] CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <code>wp_blc_links</code> ( <code>link_id</code> int(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, <code>url</code> text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL, <code>first_failure</code> datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', <code>last_check</code> datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', <code>last_success</code> datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', <code>last_check_attempt</code> datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', <code>check_count</code> int(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', <code>final_url</code> text CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_cs NOT NULL, <code>redirect_count</code> smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', <code>log</code> text NOT NULL, <code>http_code</code> smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', <code>status_code</code> varchar(100) DEFAULT '', <code>status_text</code> varchar(250) DEFAULT '', <code>request_duration</code> float NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', <code>timeout</code> tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', <code>broken</code> tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', <code>warning</code> tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', <code>may_recheck</code> tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', <code>being_checked</code> tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', <code>result_hash</code> varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', <code>false_positive</code> tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', <code>dismissed</code> tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (<code>link_id</code>), KEY <code>url</code> (<code>url</code>(150)), KEY <code>final_url</code> (<code>final_url</code>(150)), KEY <code>http_code</code> (<code>http_code</code>), KEY <code>broken</code> (<code>broken</code>) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci (0.008 seconds)
    [OK] CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <code>wp_blc_synch</code> ( <code>container_id</code> int(20) unsigned NOT NULL, <code>container_type</code> varchar(40) NOT NULL, <code>synched</code> tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL, <code>last_synch</code> datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (<code>container_type</code>,<code>container_id</code>), KEY <code>synched</code> (<code>synched</code>) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci (0.006 seconds)
    Schema update took 0.033 seconds
    Database schema updated.
    Database successfully upgraded.
    --- Total: 0.038 seconds
    Cleaning up the database...
    ... Deleting invalid container records
    ... 0 synch records deleted in 0.001 seconds
    ... Deleting invalid link instances
    ... 0 instances deleted in 0.001 seconds
    ... 0 more instances deleted in 0.000 seconds
    ... Deleting orphaned links
    ... 0 links deleted in 0.001 seconds
    --- Total: 0.003 seconds
    Notifying modules...
    ... Updating module cache
    ... Cache refresh took 0.000 seconds
    ... Loading modules
    ... 5 modules loaded in 0.002 seconds
    ... Notifying module "http"
    ... Notifying module "link"
    ... Notifying module "image"
    ... Notifying module "metadata"
    ... Notifying module "url_field"
    ... Notifying module "comment"
    ...... Deleting synch. records for removed comments
    ...... 0 rows deleted in 0.001 seconds
    ...... Creating synch. records for new comments
    ...... 20 rows inserted in 0.001 seconds
    ... Notifying module "post"
    ...... Deleting synch records for removed posts
    DELETE synch.* FROM wp_blc_synch AS synch LEFT JOIN wp_posts AS posts ON posts.ID = synch.container_id WHERE synch.container_type IN ('page', 'post') AND posts.ID IS NULL
    ...... 0 rows deleted in 0.000 seconds
    ...... Deleting synch records for posts that have a disallowed status
    DELETE synch.* FROM wp_blc_synch AS synch LEFT JOIN wp_posts AS posts ON (synch.container_id = posts.ID and synch.container_type = posts.post_type) WHERE posts.post_status NOT IN ('publish')
    ...... 0 rows deleted in 0.001 seconds
    ...... Marking changed posts as unsynched
    UPDATE wp_blc_synch AS synch JOIN wp_posts AS posts ON (synch.container_id = posts.ID and synch.container_type=posts.post_type) SET synched = 0 WHERE synch.last_synch < posts.post_modified
    ...... 0 rows updated in 0.000 seconds
    ...... Creating synch records for new posts
    INSERT INTO wp_blc_synch(container_id, container_type, synched) SELECT posts.id, posts.post_type, 0 FROM wp_posts AS posts LEFT JOIN wp_blc_synch AS synch ON (synch.container_id = posts.ID and synch.container_type=posts.post_type) WHERE posts.post_status IN ('publish') AND posts.post_type IN ('page', 'post') AND synch.container_id IS NULL
    ...... 746 rows inserted in 0.009 seconds
    ... Notifying module "page"
    ...... Skipping "page" resyncyh since all post types were already synched.
    ... Notifying module "youtube-checker"
    ... Notifying module "youtube-iframe"
    ... Notifying module "dummy"
    --- Total: 0.034 seconds
    Updating server load limit settings...
    Set server load limit to 4.00. Current load average is 0.05
    Optimizing the database...
    --- Total: 0.093 seconds
    Completing installation...
    Configuration saved.
    Installation/update completed at 2016-04-09 16:13:05 with 24 queries executed.
    Total time: 0.213 seconds


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