• Can’t get Basic_Auth to work. Spent hours trying to figure out why. I’ve tried curl, postman, and Paw. Having gone through a ton of searching the cause, I’ve tried various things, including running Postman incognito, closing all my browsers, etc. Still getting “Sorry, you are not allowed to post on this site.

    curl -X “POST” “https://burtwalker.com/wp-json/posts” \
    -H “Authorization: Basic myencodedauthstring” \
    -H “Content-Type: application/json” \
    -d $'{
    “title”: “Hello World!”,
    “content_raw”: “Content”,
    “excerpt_raw”: “Excerpt”

    Very Frustrated for something that should be simple.


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  • Just got it working but not with this plugin. I’ll post a how to later today. Victory!

    Thread Starter burtwalkergmail.com


    Please do Someguyagain. Can’t wait to see how you solved it.

    Okay let’s start with a fresh install of WP. I’m using wp-cli found at https://wp-cli.org/

    Download WP
    wp core download

    Setup the config file
    wp core config --dbname=wp_cli --dbuser=root --dbpass=A123456

    Install WP
    wp core install --url=pathToYourWPDir --title=WP-CLI --admin_user=admin --admin_password=A123456 [email protected]

    Now jump into the plugins dir
    cd somePath/wp-content/plugins

    We need to install the api server
    git clone [email protected]:WP-API/WP-API.git

    Now it’s time to install the Basic Auth
    git clone https://github.com/WP-API/Basic-Auth.git

    Go ahead and install OAuth1
    git clone [email protected]:WP-API/OAuth1.git

    We have to enable everything by logging into the admin dashboard.
    Under plugins activate JSON REST API then JSON Basic Authentication and OAuth Server. Remember for the REST API to work you have to have Permalinks setup. I always just use Post name.

    From what I’ve read you have to log out before the Basic Auth will work. Not sure if that is true or not have not tested it yet.

    So for the fun stuff let’s make a log file and watch it.
    touch logs.txt && watch -n 1 cat logs.txt

    Open up another terminal and use curl to hit the endpoint. *Note you need to be in the same dir that you made the logs.txt
    curl -s --user admin https://somePathToYourWpSite/wp-json/wp/users/me -o "logs.txt"

    Type in your password and watch the magic happen.

    Good luck ??

    ****Sorry “[email protected]” when installing WP should be “–[email protected]



    @someguyagain thanks for your guide! Just a clarification for future readers:

    Just got it working but not with this plugin. I’ll post a how to later today. Victory!

    It IS this plugin ?? But besides this plugin you also need the extra Basic Authentication WP-API plugin:

    It’s just a php file and as any other plugin you can drop it in your /wp-content/plugins folder and activate through admin panel.

    So in summary, once you install and activate both plugins:
    Basic Authentication will work out of the box (or at least that has been my experience ?? )

    I was having the same issue with basic authentication too and my issue was of two parts.

    The first was that I didn’t have Basic-Auth installed (thanks robert.giaz for that).

    The second was that I’m working with a multi-site install. It appears that when you make a request to the site the user you’re authenticating needs to exist for that specific site. If they exist just at a network level or in a sibling site the authentication will fail.

    @diggersworld glad it helped. It’s always good to know one’s posts might save some time to others.

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