• Hi,
    I am relatively new t wordpress and to learnpress in particular.
    I am evaluating your plugin, but I cannot seem to make it work.
    Basically, I can create courses and lessons.
    I am testing how to enroll people to a training.
    Is there any document with a simple workflow to do that?
    I have tried the following:
    1- I promote my course in any way, let’s say by email
    2- People interested sends me an email asking to enroll
    3- I create a wordpress user for any student that I accept
    4- In Learnpress, I go to ORDERS and create a new ORDER for the new user, with status COMPLETED
    5- In that ORDER I add the item for the course.
    6- I update the order.
    At that point I expect that the user can navigate to my site, log in, and see the course. Instead, the user can only see that his order is in status COMPLETED, but the list of courses is empty.
    Am I missing anything?

    Thanks a lot!


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