• I have recently loaded WordPress and MySQL on an IIS Windows server 2012 instance. I am very new to administrating websites. I am the new IT guy at an Engineering firm, and I have been slated to take back control of our website from an outside host. I have been working back and forth with the host, and I have successfully imported the website from him. I am able to navigate the website through the “browse” option within IIS. All links, pictures, text, etc are functioning fine. The issues is… I don’t know what to do from here. The website address is currently “https://localhost/wordpress”. I need to adjust the URL, configure IIS so that I can properly host the website and direct outside traffic to this particular server (create a NAT rule, etc). My main concern is verifying I have all my settings correct, and that the website is set up and being hosted properly. Any help or direction would be monumental.

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  • Thread Starter bequino


    Just an FYI – the website was hosted on a LINUX platform. The old admin created a importable .xml file and sent me the wp-content folder. I installed WP via the Microsoft web installer, replaced the wp-content folder with the one he supplied, imported the .xml file, activated all the plugins. Some of them I had to do manually because I am having issues setting up an FTP server and properly assigning permissions. I have looked through all the FAQ’s that I could find, but I am still unable to make sense of certain things. Again, any help would be great.

    There are known issues with hosting WordPress on a Microsoft IIS system. The most common issues are the rewrite engine, directory permissions and the fact that IIS does not read .htaccess files natively.

    I tend to just say no to any client that asks me to install WordPress on a Windows based server. I have, due to the fact that I like to eat and pay the bills for my family, taken on such projects.

    Here is an article in the Codex that might help point you in the right direction. There is information about IIS Rewrite 2.0 and using the WebMatrix.


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