• I updated to Worpress 3.6 and I updated Nextgen gallery, and from that moment on when I click on a thumbnail, there’s no “silver-box” opening, but the browser opens the photograph and replaces the website (it’s being openend in the same screen.

    Is this something that I should have adjusted in the settings, or is it a known issue? In fact: there is no gallery option working at this moment.

    My site is: blog.familieverbunt.nl, but the posts are protected. I removed the security from one post: “fotoshoot van Maaike”, so that you can see what goes wrong.

    I’m using Chrome browser on OSX.

    Thanks voor your support.


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  • Hello

    The same scenario applies for me:
    – Update to WP 3.6
    – JQuery updated (using JQuery updater for automated updates)
    – Update to NextGEN Gallery 2.0.11
    Result: No gallery options are working properly. As the shortcode-syntax changed, I tried the new codes, but it does not work. Especially challenging: The complete Attach To Post Interface (ATP) does not show up (it shows a blank page only).

    Next steps:
    – I switched off all other plug-ins
    – I switched to a standard theme
    Result: Everything seems to be working fine.

    It occurs that the problem results from the XTreme One 1.4 Them Framework version I am using. This is not the latest version.

    Any suggestions however much appreciated. The current version is visible from the following link:


    The latest beta 2.012 did not solve my issues. I have made a downgrade to 1.9.13 for the time being. That works well.

    Hello programmers – I am confident that after bugfixes, version 2 will be great.

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