• Hello there,

    Some information:
    – I downloaded WordPress in April, so I think that gives me 2.92. I don’t know where to look to spot the version, so I’m assuming it’s 2.92.
    – I’ve installed the Plugin Exec-PHP
    – The other plugins I have activated are: WP-SpamFree and Feed Locations

    The problem:
    – As part of my blog appearance and theme, sidebar.php has the following code:

    <h3><?php _e('Categories','lightword'); ?></h3>
    <?php wp_list_categories('title_li='); ?>
    <h3><?php _e('Archive','lightword'); ?></h3>
    <?php wp_get_archives('type=monthly'); ?>

    That works fine.

    – I have two pages, one named Archives and the other Categories that have a parent page, Links.
    – the Archive page has this code:

    <?php wp_get_archives('type=monthly'); ?>

    and works fine.
    – the Categories page has this code:

    <?php wp_list_categories('title_li='); ?>

    and produces nothing.

    The function call is the same as the one in the sidebar, so it should work?

    The Archive php call in-page works, so I’m assuming the Exec-PHP plugin is working fine.

    After searching around a little, it seems that the categories are a little buggy…

    Any suggestions?

    Many thanks, Gavin

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  • Thread Starter gavinhope


    I forgot to mention that I’ve disabled the Visual Editor for my user settings.


    hey gavin, so if i understand correctly your trying to display a list of posts on a page?

    I’d suggest a plugin which enables that feature in your WP Post Dashboard. That way you don’t have to ‘hardcode’ the list into your page, but you can add it through your user panel.

    The method u described above does work tho if u setup your php files and css correctly, but im guessing you’re not a developper, so the plugin route might be the easiest/best for you!

    Thread Starter gavinhope


    Hey gen1ux,

    it’s the category listing that is giving me the problem. The theme that I selected when I started with wordpress had a call to wp_list_categories in the sidebar.php.

    I want to take the category list out of the sidebar and put it into it’s own page, which is linked from the menu.

    After a quick search, I found that I needed a plug-in to be able to execute php in either a page or a regular post – so I installed the EXEC-PHP plugin.

    So I have two pages in my menu, one for the archives and one for the categories. The confusing thing is that the archives php works fine. The categories call produces nothing.

    – even with Exec-PHP installed, are you suggesting that I would need to make sure that php files and css files are in the right place?
    – is there another plugin, different to Exec-PHP that might help me?

    Cheers, Gavin

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