• Hi there,

    I was very happy to find this API, great plugin but now i run into a problem I can not fix.
    I used basic authorisation to retrieve userdata, it works in my development env (OSX) but when I try the same on an ubuntu production server basic auth is never picked up, also with curl I get the same result:
    curl –user user:password https://localhost/wp-json/users/ always gives me [{“code”:”json_user_cannot_list”,”message”:”Sorry, you are not allowed to list users.”}]
    So nothing about false credentials, the basic auth is just ignored.
    I get the feeling it has to do more with core wordpress, but I was hoping you can help me.

    Thanks in advance
    Paul van Beukering


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  • Basic auth appears to NOT sign the user into WordPress, and is just used to get the user ID.

    I believe only OAuth currently supports post and user edits, but as I don’t personally like 3leg OAuth 1.0a (not for mobile apps), I have not investigated further.

    So unfortunately you can believe your curls are all wrong and yet it appears basic auth released plugin does not support writing.

    You might want to shunt over to git-hub and see if there are updates there or do like I am doing and creating my own routes and endpoints and auth because in fact the one thing I don’t need to do is access users, posts, or media for my app ??

    ps – If you find a fix, please do repost here ??

    OK – sorry for the delay ??

    Basic auth does work!

    However, it fails if you are performing curl requests if you are already logged in on your browser and you are using Rest Console or Postman.

    In other words, if you are running from a browser logged into your main site, and use a browser tool to curl for example, then it doesn’t work.

    However, once you log out of the browser then basic auth takes over and works fine ??

    Log out of the browser then basic auth takes over

    I spent about 11 hours today trying to get basic auth to work. This was the problem for me. Such a sad, frustrating day that I blogged about it here.
    Thank you @brianImerritt

    Thread Starter Paul van Beukering


    Hi there,

    I tried to do what you suggested, but unfortunately it did not help me.
    After exploring the plugin code, i found out the authentication cookie is never set, wp_validate_auth_cookie always returns false because the cookie is empty, using curl –user and using java HttpURLConnection with cookies. Strangely this does not happens on my local install (mac). Only on remote servers. I suspect the apache configuration now. I think it is a virtual host settings.

    To be continued.

    Hey Paul – the connection does not use cookies. Either use basic auth for each request or use oAuth and token for each request.

    ps to eastes! great! ps – make sure you use https for any basic auth requests for anything other than development. I developed my own auth plugin to save the mobile developers getting the full oAuth 1.0 working…

    I’m on day two still nothing. ??

    I’ve tried everything trick I know of and your solutions but, just can not get pass this

    * Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
    *   Trying
    * Connected to localhost ( port 80 (#0)
    * Server auth using Basic with user 'admin'
    > GET /wordpress/wp-json/users/me HTTP/1.1
    > Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46QmFzaWMuNTc=
    > User-Agent: curl/7.35.0
    > Host: localhost
    > Accept: */*
    < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    < Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 05:00:38 GMT
    * Server Apache/2.4.9 (Ubuntu) is not blacklisted
    < Server: Apache/2.4.9 (Ubuntu)
    < X-Powered-By: PHP/5.5.11-3+deb.sury.org~saucy+1
    < X-Pingback: https://localhost/wordpress/xmlrpc.php
    < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
    < Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
    < Content-Length: 76
    < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    { [data not shown]
    * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact

    Guess I’ll move on to the OAuth then ?? Feeling a bit defeated

    Just got it working but not with this plugin. I’ll post a how to later today. Victory!

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