• Decimal numbers with separators are output incorrectly in the scheme. Example: 18.00 EUR becomes 1800 EUR. The decimal separator is deleted.

    Possible Solution:


    $baseSalary = Job_Postings_Helper::numbers_only($value);
                            if($upto) $upto =  Job_Postings_Helper::numbers_only($upto);
    change to
                            if($upto) $upto =  Job_Postings_Helper::numbers_separator_only($upto);


    public static function numbers_separator_only($string){
    return preg_replace( '/[^0-9,]/', '', $string );
    change to
    public static function numbers_separator_only($string){
    return preg_replace( '/[^0-9,.]/', '', $string );

    Preferably decimal numbers with decimal separator are to be indicated with point (according to Schema.org).

    Would it be possible to include the fix in the next release?

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