• Resolved Darryl.R



    I have a rehearsal studio for musicians and I have 10 rooms available. Each room is available daily from 9am to 12pm.

    I would like to rent 3 hour slots, (5 slots per day), each slot is a booking.

    1. Am I able to set up this booking schedule?
    2. Can I set different prices for specific slots (discounted rates for quieter times and normal rates for busier times?
    3. What level of the plugin would I require to be able to do this?

    Thank you


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  • Plugin Author wpdevelop


    1) The ability to book for the specific times only possible in the Booking Calendar Business Small / Business Medium versions (and in higher versions for booking resources with capacity =1). Please note if you will make the booking for the specific timeslot, this timeslot become unavailable for the other visitors for that selected date in current specific calendar.

    You can configure the timeslots selections on the Booking > Settings > Fields page. Please use the “shortcode generator” on the right side of that page for the correct generation of the shortcode.

    You can use one “timerange” (timeslots) or “start time” and “end time” selections or”starttime” and “duration”of time selections shortcodes or even start time and end time entering shortcodes. Please read more about the booking form fields configuration here https://wpbookingcalendar.com/help/booking-form-fields/

    So you can configure your timeslots “3 hour slots, (5 slots per day)” as timerange shortcode in booking form at Booking > Settings > Fields page.

    You can test the bookings for the specific time-slots in action on the live demo of Business Small version (which is configured by default for the bookings of specific time-slots) here: https://bs.wpbookingcalendar.com/ Other live demo you will need to reconfigure.

    2) The ability to set the different cost, for the different options that selected in selectboxes or checkboxes in booking form (in out case its time-slot options in rangetime selectbox), possible in the Booking Calendar Business Medium and higher versions. Please read more about this feature here: https://wpbookingcalendar.com/overview/#additional-cost

    3) Please check info about versions and features that available in previous points.
    Also please note, this forum is only about support of Booking Calendar Free version. So if you will have any questions about the paid versions, please fill free to contact here: https://wpbookingcalendar.com/contact/
    Kind Regards.

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