OK, let’s strip it further down one by one:
> The achievement is not giveable to Credly.
What are the conditions for an achievement to be giveable to Credly? In other words, what makes an achievement giveable or non-giveable? I have just checked here: https://badgeos.org/api/source-function-credly_is_achievement_giveable.html#1098-1114, and I understand the code, but it tells me just the same as you explained in your reply. It does not tell me why, e.g., an achievement can be empty if I have earned it in my WordPress site and it is clearly published there. It also does not tell me what are the eligible values for $achievement_id. I can only see that they must be integers; the values of Credly Badge ID field for my two badges that I am trying to send to Credly are clearly integers, 13171 and 13211. Is Credly Badge ID the integer that credly_is_achievement_giveable takes as its parameter?
> The ID being passed in isn’t actually an achievement.
I guess we are talking here about the same thing as in the first case. FYI, I have created a new achievement type in BadgeOS, I have created two badges of that type, I have defined some simple steps/challenges, and then have published them. It was also me myself who has then completed the steps and have won the badges on my BadgeOS powered WordPress site. Maybe that’s the problem – I won the badges that I myself have created. However, it all happened on the WordPress end, and it allowed me to do so. Only then I tried to click “Send to Credly”. Does that ring any bell? Do I have to be logged in as a user different from the one who has created the badge, then win the badge and then send it to Credly?
> The achievement has already been sent to Credly
It has been automatically sent to Credly in terms of being stored in my Created badges, but it never went through to my Earned badges.
Michael, since I am really keen on trying to sort this out, I would be really grateful to you if you let me send you my WordPress site and my Credly credentials in a private email to take a look at it. Alternatively, I can open an admin account for you on my WordPress site. I have just started learning how to use BadgeOS and in my WordPress site there is nothing so private and confidential that I would have to hide from you. My Credly page is also filled with just a couple of test badges. Just send me your private email address and I’ll send you the credentials. I can easily change my passwords after you fix the issue for me. Thanks for your cooperation and understanding.