The Sale Badge is usually a static text. WooCommerce by default only displays a static text: Sale!
However, some theme authors customize this text within their themes to show a discount percentage or amount.
This is achieved by them through the following calculation
Regular Price – Sale Price = Discount Amount (or a percentage)
However, when using a dynamic pricing plugin like ours, the discount is based on the rules.
An Example Scenario:
Buy 5 or more products, get 10% off.
In this case, the 5% discount is eligible ONLY when a customer adds 5 quantities to cart.
But if we show a Sale Badge with 5% discount on it, customer will MISUNDERSTAND and will look forward to get 5% discount even when he purchases 1 quantity. But that is not the condition.
That is the reason why we do not display a discount percentage or amount inside the Sale badge. Our plugin will just show the default Sale badge text (Sale!).
You can customize the Sale badge text in our plugin settings
Here is a guide
In the next major 2.0 release, we are coming up with some more customized badge possibilities.