• Hello,

    I don’t know if you plan to make this plugin working with the current version of WooCommerce? Or if you will let it die slowly…

    The main issues I found (and reason why I will NOT use conekta) are:
    1/ VAT calculation is wrong if the order have a discount
    2/ VAT calculation is wrong if the order have a shipping cost set

    Example of an order with a discount:
    1 item at $560.34 with $56.03 discount => $504.31 (VAT 16% -> $80.69)
    Total product: $560.34
    Discount: $-56.03
    Shipping: $0
    VAT: $80.69
    TOTAL TO PAY: $585

    In Conekta:
    Product: $560.34
    Shipping Tax: $0
    VAT: $5627.66 <- Error
    SUBTOTAL: $6188 <- Error
    DISCOUNT: $-5603 <- Error
    SUBTOTAL: $585
    SHIPPING: $0
    TOTAL: $585

    Example of an order with a shipping cost:
    1 item at $150.86 (VAT 16% -> $24.14) => Total = $175
    Shipping cost of $86.21 (VAT 16% -> $13.79) => Total = $100
    Total product: $150.86
    Shipping: $86.21
    VAT: $37.93
    TOTAL: $275

    In Conekta:
    Product: $150.86
    Shipping Tax: $13.79
    VAT: $110.27 <- Error
    SUBTOTAL: $274.92
    SHIPPING: $0.08 <- Error
    TOTAL: $275

    Well, I wonder how 5000 active installations can use this…
    If you are looking for a payment gateway for Woocommerce, don’t loose your time with this one…


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