• This is worse then I thought. I understand that people need to get use to new design and new features, but this just seems so hard that its not worth to learn.

    • pasting text ( even with right click -> paste as plain text) to a list element is impossible
    • pasting text from a word ( or any other document) is way to hard. You need to understand that many people write their content in word or docs ( and sharethem with others, correct them,..) and only then they past it to WP. With gutemberg this just became super hard
    • options are very unintuitive. Everything is displaced on all sides and there seems to have to many options but when you try to do something you realize you actually have very limited options per specific block

    Gutemberg just seems way off the standard editor and its so different that its just to hard to get use to.
    This project looks like it was done by someone who doesnt write much text or is writing just for debbuging. Its to complicated for posts and lacking major functons to be a page builder.
    As I said before, most people I know write their content somewhere else, then they paste it to WP and there they only want to adjust some smaller details ( like headings,etc.). I suggest you create a demo blog and paste there 20-30 posts, measure time it takes you to do that with old editor and with gutemberg.

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  • Thank you for including some specific examples as reasons for your review. May I ask for a little more detail about the part where pasting text from a Word Document is too hard?

    (Asking just in case and because I’m interested, please don’t take this in the wrong way!) Is there any chance you would consider writing posts in the WordPress editor from the start instead of writing in Word and then copying content over? May I ask why that is your workflow?

    Regarding limited options per block, would you be able to give a specific example of that, maybe something that’s really common in your writing workflow?

    Is there any chance you would consider writing posts in the WordPress editor from the start instead of writing in Word and then copying content over?

    That’s precisely the point: There’s millions of people out there writing in Word and pasting it in, and they most probably will not all change their workflow just because there is “a new editor on the block” (pun intended).

    Just to be sure: I like Gutenberg, but I do not like the decision to make e-v-e-r-y paragraph a new block. That makes editing text after an initial write-session very cumbersome. Blocks interrupt the flow of the text. Try selecting the last sentence in a paragraph *and* the first in the next paragraph…

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Peter Müller.

    Re pasting from Word:

    A lot of the content on our site originates as Word documents sent by people who have no interest in learning to use WordPress. So copy-paste from Word is an absolutely essential feature for us.

    And much of the rest of the content is written by people who normally work with Word, and who want an interface that is as similar as possible to what they are familiar with.

    ( The reason we decided on WordPress for our site was that, once it was set up, it was comparatively easy for an occasional user to learn to use. Gutenberg adds a whole new learning curve. )

    Thread Starter klooperator



    sorry for late reply ( notification for this topic ends up in social tab in gmail, for me that’s almost a spam folder :)).

    I am not a writer myself, but I manage a lot of sites including some relatively big news organisations (20+ people) that use WP as their platform.
    From there I know that most text are made in word or notepad, then they are send to for correction, internal reviews and then back fo publishing, at which point they are pasted to WP editor.
    For some sites I manage I need to post a text written by someone, so I get it on Word or similar, and then paste it to WP.
    After pasting everyone expects some small work to be done ( like headings, bolding, etc), but not much more.

    Even if you write in WP directly, its kind a nice to have everything in one place. Imagine you are writing a longer text and you catched a strain of thought. You are writing and you want to insert heading. Normally you press Enter -> heading -> Enter and you style it up later. In gutemberg you have to stop-> click on + button -> find heading box -> write heading -> click on + button -> find paragraph box. Or alternatively you have to think of or look up some non human peace of code to do that. Any of this action will disrupt your writing.

    We actually tried to teach both are young and old journalist to use markdown.But even that was to much. WP use a lot of different people and no all are used to writing code inline or hitting + button to create paragraphs.

    I wish people invented some better way of text editing long time ago, but reality is that people are used to Word and everything up to this point was made similar to word because people are used to it. Reinventing the wheel is not always a better way.

    What I do think is good is that this approach is better for preparing text for some mobile app or something similar. But you really have to hide this complexity from users. I use background script that parses text to array of object and text for that.

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