• Hi Boss.. I have a solution for support Woo and some othet meta.. The problem lies in the imperfection of the function, which does not take into account some aspects DB replaceing..

    This is happening because you are not updating additional meta fields and options. For example:

    Code DB – Key meta_value

    meta_value = "a:6:{s:5:"width";i:1000;s:6:"height";i:1000;s:4:"file";s:32:"2018/04/Miroos-cro-s.webp";s:5:"sizes";a:7:{s:12:"medium_large";a:5:{s:4:"file";s:32:"Miroos-cro-s-768x768.webp";s:5:"width";i:768;s:6:"height";i:768;s:9:"mime-type";s:10:"image/webp";s:8:"filesize";i:91668;}s:21:"woocommerce_thumbnail";a:6:{s:4:"file";s:32:"Miroos-cro-s-300x300.webp";s:5:"width";i:300;s:6:"height";i:300;s:9:"mime-type";s:10:"image/webp";s:9:"uncropped";b:1;s:8:"filesize";i:21814;}s:18:"woocommerce_single";a:5:{s:4:"file";s:32:"Miroos-cro-s-600x600.webp";s:5:"width";i:600;s:6:"height";i:600;s:9:"mime-type";s:10:"image/webp";s:8:"filesize";i:66512;}s:29:"woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail";a:5:{s:4:"file";s:32:"Miroos-cro-s-100x100.webp";s:5:"width";i:100;s:6:"height";i:100;s:9:"mime-type";s:10:"image/webp";s:8:"filesize";i:4306;}s:12:"shop_catalog";a:5:{s:4:"file";s:31:"Miroos-cro-s-300x300.jpg";s:5:"width";i:300;s:6:"height";i:300;s:9:"mime-type";s:10:"image/jpeg";s:9:"uncropped";b:1;}s:11:"shop_single";a:4:{s:4:"file";s:31:"Miroos-cro-s-600x600.jpg";s:5:"width";i:600;s:6:"height";i:600;s:9:"mime-type";s:10:"image/jpeg";}s:14:"shop_thumbnail";a:4:{s:4:"file";s:31:"Miroos-cro-s-100x100.jpg";s:5:"width";i:100;s:6:"height";i:100;s:9:"mime-type";s:10:"image/jpeg";}}s:10:"image_meta";a:12:{s:8:"aperture";s:1:"0";s:6:"credit";s:0:"";s:6:"camera";s:0:"";s:7:"caption";s:0:"";s:17:"created_timestamp";s:1:"0";s:9:"copyright";s:0:"";s:12:"focal_length";s:1:"0";s:3:"iso";s:1:"0";s:13:"shutter_speed";s:1:"0";s:5:"title";s:0:"";s:11:"orientation";s:1:"0";s:8:"keywords";a:0:{}}s:8:"filesize";i:149044;}"

    ARRAY ()

    meta_value = array(
    'width' => 1000,
    'height' => 1000,
    'file' => '2018/04/Miroos-cro-s.webp',
    'sizes' => array(
    'medium_large' => array(
    'file' => 'Miroos-cro-s-768x768.webp',
    'width' => 768,
    'height' => 768,
    'mime-type' => 'image/webp',
    'filesize' => 91668,
    'woocommerce_thumbnail' => array(
    'file' => 'Miroos-cro-s-300x300.webp',
    'width' => 300,
    'height' => 300,
    'mime-type' => 'image/webp',
    'uncropped' => true,
    'filesize' => 21814,
    'woocommerce_single' => array(
    'file' => 'Miroos-cro-s-600x600.webp',
    'width' => 600,
    'height' => 600,
    'mime-type' => 'image/webp',
    'filesize' => 66512,
    'woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail' => array(
    'file' => 'Miroos-cro-s-100x100.webp',
    'width' => 100,
    'height' => 100,
    'mime-type' => 'image/webp',
    'filesize' => 4306,
    'shop_catalog' => array(
    'file' => 'Miroos-cro-s-300x300.jpg',
    'width' => 300,
    'height' => 300,
    'mime-type' => 'image/jpeg',
    'uncropped' => true,
    'shop_single' => array(
    'file' => 'Miroos-cro-s-600x600.jpg',
    'width' => 600,
    'height' => 600,
    'mime-type' => 'image/jpeg',
    'shop_thumbnail' => array(
    'file' => 'Miroos-cro-s-100x100.jpg',
    'width' => 100,
    'height' => 100,
    'mime-type' => 'image/jpeg',
    'image_meta' => array(
    'aperture' => '0',
    'credit' => '',
    'camera' => '',
    'caption' => '',
    'created_timestamp' => '0',
    'copyright' => '',
    'focal_length' => '0',
    'iso' => '0',
    'shutter_speed' => '0',
    'title' => '',
    'orientation' => '0',
    'keywords' => array(),
    'filesize' => 149044,

    As you can see, it is an array. Without my correction, it shows that your code is too simple and does not take into account WooCommerce meta support. Therefore, I advise you to listen to me rather than criticize my coding style. I’ve been coding since I was 15, and now I am 45. I’ve been working at Microsoft up to today, so I am trying to help you become even better.

    Report on the Modification of the change_db Function Purpose of the Changes

    The primary goal of the changes was to correctly update all necessary entries in the WordPress database after converting images to the WebP format. This includes replacing old image URLs with new ones, especially for WooCommerce products. Issues with the Original Code

    1. Incomplete URL Updates: The original code did not update all necessary entries in the database. It only updated the wp_posts table, resulting in some image URLs remaining unchanged, particularly for WooCommerce products.
    2. Lack of Updates in wp_postmeta and wp_options Tables: The code did not account for updating image URLs in the wp_postmeta and wp_options tables, where image references are also stored.

    Changes Made

    1. Added Updates in wp_postmeta and wp_options Tables: Updates were added for the wp_postmeta and wp_options tables to ensure correct image URL references across the database.
    2. Improved the change_db Function: The function was improved to perform URL replacements in three tables (wp_posts, wp_postmeta, wp_options), ensuring a more comprehensive and correct database update.

    Original Code

    private function change_db($before_url, $after_url) {
        global $wpdb;
        /* Replace */
                UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}posts
                SET post_content = replace(post_content, %s, %s)

    Updated Code

    	private function change_db(string $before_url, string $after_url): void {
    global $wpdb;

    try {
    // Ensure URLs are valid strings
    if (empty($before_url) || empty($after_url)) {
    throw new Exception('URLs must not be empty.');

    // Update wp_posts table
    $posts_query = $wpdb->prepare(
    "UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}posts SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, %s, %s)",

    $posts_result = $wpdb->query($posts_query);

    if ($posts_result === false) {
    throw new Exception('Failed to update wp_posts table.');

    // Update wp_postmeta table
    $postmeta_query = $wpdb->prepare(
    "UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta SET meta_value = REPLACE(meta_value, %s, %s)",

    $postmeta_result = $wpdb->query($postmeta_query);

    if ($postmeta_result === false) {
    throw new Exception('Failed to update wp_postmeta table.');

    // Update wp_options table
    // Use a safe method to update options that may contain serialized data
    $options = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT option_name FROM {$wpdb->prefix}options WHERE option_value LIKE '%{$before_url}%'");
    foreach ($options as $option_name) {
    $option_value = get_option($option_name);
    if (is_array($option_value)) {
    foreach ($option_value as $key => $value) {
    if (is_string($value) && strpos($value, $before_url) !== false) {
    $option_value[$key] = str_replace($before_url, $after_url, $value);
    update_option($option_name, $option_value);
    } elseif (is_string($option_value) && strpos($option_value, $before_url) !== false) {
    $updated_value = str_replace($before_url, $after_url, $option_value);
    update_option($option_name, $updated_value);

    // Log success message
    error_log("Successfully replaced URLs in wp_posts, wp_postmeta, and wp_options tables: $before_url to $after_url");

    } catch (Exception $e) {
    // Log the error message
    error_log('Error changing database content: ' . $e->getMessage());

    Using the Updated Function

    The change_db function should be called after converting an image to the WebP format and saving it on the server. The function takes two parameters: the URL of the image before and after the format change. This will ensure that all database records referencing this image are correctly updated.

    // Example of calling the change_db function
    /* Replace */
    $this->change_db( $this->upload_url . '/' . $metadata['file'], $this->upload_url . '/' . $file_webp );

    This update ensures the correct replacement of all image URLs in the WordPress database, maintaining the stability and accuracy of your site’s functionality.

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  • Thread Starter Marcus Karlos


    There are also many other errors and memory leaks. The main problem is that when cleaning thumbnails, it does not clean everything and many original (sizes) thumbnails remain in the library.


    Add to generate_webp in after

    foreach ( (array) $metadata['sizes'] as $key => $value ) {code} 
    $this->delete_old_thumbnails( $path, $metadata['file'], $metadata['sizes'], $pluswebp_settings['types'] );
    private function delete_old_thumbnails( $path, $original_file, $sizes, $types ) {
    $base_name = pathinfo( $original_file, PATHINFO_FILENAME );
    $dir = opendir( $path );
    if ( $dir ) {
    while ( ( $file = readdir( $dir ) ) !== false ) {
    $file_info = pathinfo( $file );
    if ( $file_info['basename'] !== $original_file &&
    in_array( $file_info['extension'], $types ) &&
    strpos( $file_info['filename'], $base_name ) !== false ) {
    wp_delete_file( $path . $file_info['basename'] );
    closedir( $dir );

    Maybe u help that in next update )

    Hello, Marcus.

    Thank you for sharing this solution with code.

    I have the same problem with this on woocommerce.

    You offer : Add to generate_webp in after

    Where is that file located or we shoud add this code to functions.php of theme ?

    Can you share your full version with solution ?

    • This reply was modified 3 months, 2 weeks ago by bing4.

    This appears to be the same issue that we were having, but thankfully it’s actually just a simple one-line fix and doesn’t require any major refactoring.


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