• When activated, even though I will try to go to my homepage For one of my translated network sites, like https://pt.mysiteon.org/, it tries to go to https://pt.mysiteon.org/en_US/ instead. If I deactivate this plug-in on a site by site basis, the issue disappears for that site, so I know this has to do with the plug-in, and that my browser language preference is set to US English.

    I’m presuming this has to do with the page-by-page translator. Thus, if I have German as my preferred language set up in my browser settings, when I try to go to the homepage, the plug-in looks to see if there is a version of that page which is specifically designated as my “ German translation”. I think?

    however, manually designating language versions for the page doesn’t seem to help. Do you have any thoughts on this?

    as I only want to use the plug-in to designate a separate language to be displayed in the front end than the backend, is there a way to disable the page language translator fields?


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