• Guys,

    Someone needs to do some further testing on this pluggin, it has wasted my site and I’m not sure that I can get it back.

    The Email database backup, sends a blank email (text only) no database attached.

    When I then thought that two backups were emailed to me, I used the
    change _wp prefix.

    Immediately, I was directed to a new wordpress install page.

    There are no backup databases for me to pull the old info from.

    Thanks for wasting a years worth of work.

    I have a server backup, but using that will change my ip addresses and cause me a days worth of work to get things back to normal.

    You need to pull this plugin before you get sued.

    Going back into the directory through SSH, there are also no backups at /wp-content/plugins/better-wp-security/
    I only see .htaccess and index.php

    Can it get any worse….please retract your virus from the public.



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