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  • edit the post/page in the dashboard
    right above edit screen you can edit the permalink
    for example, the one above should be

    I’m getting this issue and it’s not caused by the permalink.

    My page page contains the following link:
    <a href="">.

    When you click the link, you get “page not found” although the URL in the address bar appears correctly as:

    However, when you cut and paste the URL from the address bar into Notepad,
    you see this:

    I can’t seem to fix this. Never saw it before. Has anybody else seen it and diagnosed the cause?

    Never mind. The invisible character was lodged in the very link I posted above (although I think it was stripped out when I posted).

    I edited out the character in WP– it was detectable by using arrow keys to go over it (the cursor paused at the invisible character)– and everything is hunky-dory.

    Now I want my 20 minutes back.


    Hi kstadden,

    I’m wondering if you can help me – I have exactly the same issue as you, but I cannot find any invisible characters in my URL:

    <form action=”; method=”post”>

    I have changed the permalink and everything. Any advice?



    In what you posted there are no hidden characters that I can detect. Try copying and pasting from your post above. If your issue is being caused by something else, I’m stumped. Good luck, and post here when you find a fix.


    OK all – I have fixed the similar issue I had.

    It was one of the fields in my form – the one called ‘name’. This was processed as $name which might be a reserved php variable. I changed this to $customer and it works. Other then that I cannot explain why that would make any difference…

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