• The first red flag was that it doesn’t call the plugin directory correctly in it’s code. So if you obfuscate your install with iThemesSecurity by changing your wp-content folder name, the plugin won’t work at all.

    Then, even after I manually corrected that in the code, it still was breaking the visual editor.

    I was going to submit a support ticket, but I saw the developer hasn’t resolved anything in 9 months. Saw the multiple tickets addressing the fact that it’s not compatible with WP3.9, saw others suggest it’s a clone of a different plugin.

    All those things together equal STAY AWAY FROM THIS PLUGIN.

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  • Also pretty misleading that of the three all-5-star reviews, one is by the plugin author themselves, one simply specifies that the plugin is essentially an unacknowledged clone, and the other clearly shows the user hasn’t even installed the plugin (she’s asking pre-installation questions, not leaving a review).

    Not sure why any of those should stand as actual reviews.

    Plugin Author Edamam


    I am sorry to see that you didn’t have good experience with the plugin.

    Unfortunately for us you tried it exactly in the period many plugins had problems with WordPress 3.9. Edamam including.

    All issues which were reported at the end of April in the forum were resolved within a week time and a final release was made in the fist week of May.

    The plugin is fully compatible with WordPress 3.9 as we speak.

    If you are still interested in the plugin it will be great to get your feedback now that we are back to normal.


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