Bad code quality and support
The overall quality of the plugin and the paid extra plugins is very bad. Anything beside the “documented” functionality isn’t working correctly.
Features are implemented in a way that makes it really hard to work with them, for example featured listings, there is no way to easily know if a post is featured or not.
All my support questions remain unsolved, answer of the plugin author: “if you are not satisfied with the plugin or add-on you can always request a refund even though it was purchased over 2 months ago”.
I regret the purchase, I regret the decision to use this plugin suite. It would have been faster to code the entry thing myself. Thank you for nothing.
first of all, sorry you had a bad experience with the plugin. I am re-reading our email exchange (i could find a total of 4 emails from you) to see if I could handle the situation differently.From the conversation it looks like you were trying to do two things which are not possible with WPAdverts out of box (or rather are not possible due to how WP handles AJAX requests), either way, one of the requests I think was resolved with the custom code I sent you, but I cannot tell for sure as you never replied to me back. The other thing was some bug in WPAdverts but again I cannot tell if I was able to help you as you never replied back.
The last email you sent contained some passive-aggressive comments and a problem with select2 jQuery plugin. WPAdverts does not use select2 at all and without seeing your site this is the only thing I could write back (with some suggestions on how to troubleshoot it), on top of that seeing you are frustrated I offered you a refund, but yet again I never heard back from you until now.
One thing in your review I can agree with is that the statement about refund was poorly worded, based on your email (specifically “nothing beside the basic functionality is working correctly”) I got a feeling you would like to use something else or use nothing at all, a phrase like this does not look like a support request at all, so I offered the refund.
Unfortunately, with the number of customers, we do have I am afraid I cannot check-in with users to see if the issue was fixed and if everything is working fine if I do not get a reply I consider the ticket to be resolved.
Of course if you would like to keep WPAdverts and have the issue resolved then this is of course an option as well, you can either send me an email or post in this thread, but I would need you to describe the issues you are having in more details and ideally send the URL of a site where you are using the plugin.
We will also have to disagree that the documentation is bad as I own few other plugins as well and this one rarely if at all gets questions like “how to use the xyz add-on”, so i have to say that I am pretty happy with it and so seems the users, anyway the documentation is online so anyone can see for himself. If I remember correctly the documentation you had problem understanding was Custom Fields editor, well that one is more complex as the whole add-on is quite complex, so there will be soon a video tutorial explaining how to setup it.
All in all it is really hard to comment on your review, the texts you write are quite vague, for example “featured listings, there is no way to easily know if a post is featured or not”, on every list the Featured Ads are marked with a flag icon, or with different background, so it is actually easy to know if the Ad is featured or not, what are you referring to?
Either way, thanks for your feedback, and i hope you were able to finish your website with or without WPAdverts.
Ok, i can′t say anything to the problem the writer of this posting has. But i can say, that the support for this amazing plugin is pretty good and preety fast!
Hi Greg,
yes I’m indeed trying to do things with the plugin that are not supported by default, but that’s not the problem as I can code this functionality myself. The websites states: “Our plugin is developed with developers in mind, it uses the best WordPress coding practices, allows to extend the plugin with hooks and filters and is properly documented.”
That’s simply not true. There are a few filters and actions here and there, but most of the functionality is written in a way that makes it really hard to alter and extend the code. Also, most of the functions, filters and actions aren’t documented at all.
That’s what I meant with the featured listings thing. Of course I can see wich listing is featured by looking at the flag in the backend, but what is the preferred way of getting the featured state programmatically? I found the
function which checks for the post’s menu order but that’s not really reliable. Also, it won’t work in tandem witch the WooCommerce-Payments plugin because it uses a completely different way for storing the featured state (which is ok, I understand why you did this but I can’t understand why you don’t provide convenience functions for these things).This is one example of many many examples I could give you. In the end it’s things like that that lead me to the statements I made.
@klausharms thanks!
@nicolasmn, ohh ok i see where are you coming from, with WooCommerce the use of post_status is clever, however, this solution has 2 main disadvantages which made me go with menu_order instead:
– in WC only admin can change the post status, in a classifieds site the post_status is set by users (when posting an Ad), i could have there post status “publish” and “featured”, BUT the Ad can automatically expire which changes its status to “expired”.
Now if an Admin wants to make the Ad visible again he has no way of knowing if the Ad was featured or not. I could add some status like expired-featured but this would require also having the “-featured” postfix for every other post_status, add to this a couple of WPAdverts add-ons and you have a nightmare to manage. I could also go with some “was_fatured” meta field, but it has it’s own set of problems.
Currently, in WPAdverts a featured listing is a
post_status == "publish" && menu_order > 0
. This makes it easy to manage, the add visibility is changed with post_status and making ad featured is as simple as flipping a switch (or checkbox).2. What happens when the Featured Ads module is disabled? With custom statuses all featured Ads would disappear, of course, i could bulk change the status when module is disabled, but then when enabling it back again all ads would be non-featured, none of this is something user expects.
Compare this to the current elegant solution, disabling Featured Ads module makes all ads non-featured and enabling it back makes the Ads featured again.
On top of that breaking, the featured ads module requires installing a specific plugin which allows modifying menu_order for custom post types (by default this is not possible) and manually changing the Ads menu_order, this is far more less likely to happen than having the custom post statuses desynchronized.
There are a few filters and actions here and there, but most of the functionality is written in a way that makes it really hard to alter and extend the code. Also, most of the functions, filters, and actions aren’t documented at all.
Are you referring to WPAdverts or the add-ons? The WPAdverts has documentation for advrets_form_load filter and child templates (3 articles in the documentation), this on itself allow to do roughly 75% to 85% of customizations (based on support request tickets), add to this 10 paid add-ons, 25 free code snippets in the snippets library, a-lot of snippets i posted in the forums and WordPress API (which is the only thing you need to know to customize WPAdverts in wp-admin panel) and you can change a lot without modifying original source code.
The add-ons are a different thing, they are complete functionalities which implement the available API they are not really meant to be further extended by developers although it is possible to some extent.
Most of the code is added using add_filter and add_action functions in the “init” action, you can replace all of these functions by registering your own “init” function with lower priority, and inside it remove my functions and register your own instead.
I am wondering what did you had a problem with? Can you explain what is one thing you were trying to do but wasn’t able to due to how WPAdvrets is designed?
Sorry for the long post again :).
This thread alone is why I am going to utilize this plugin and several of your paid add-ons.
Great job.
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