My only input here is to say that I am disappointed that continue to push bluehost when there are much more deserving hosts out there. Sadly though, they can’t cough up the same financial kickbacks as bluehost are able to.
In my case bluehost repeatedly took down my blog for language in my comments that their moral standards officer thought was offensive. Their behaviour was quite unlike any I have ever experienced, and while they were quite charming on the telephone, their repeated removal of my blog on moral grounds was simply unacceptable.
The language involved was no worse than what you would see in any movie or hear on any street, and while certain people here advised that one should only write using words they were comfortable using in the company of prospective in-laws, I decided that I would rather give my money to a host that didn’t believe in imposing strangely old fashioned moral standards over the basic principles of free speech and freedom of expression.
Indeed, Bluehost told me that if I used a blog to suggest that I thought President George Bush was a “horses ass”, this would cause the site to be removed on the grounds of it being offensive. It’s not clear why their CEO’s blog wasn’t then removed when he called Bill Gates a “jackass.”
In their favor, the tech support guy I spoke to in the end did give me a full refund and was very helpful in moving the blog to another host.
Once again though, just to be clear and so as to not ruffle the feathers of those with wonderfully refined moral compasses, the blog comments in question did not use cuss words excessively or in a manner than any ordinary webmaster would feel required an intervention.
If Bluehost are as flakey in their uptime as they are about applying their moral standards then my advice, Adam, is to find another host.
In the words of the wonderful Sarah Palin, tell those boys in Utah “Thanks but no thanks!” ??