• I’m not the only one who’s had a bad experience with Bluehost. I’ve blogged about it here: https://agabus.com/?p=432

    The question is, why does WordPress promote such a miserable company? Five or six times a day, my sites simply froze up. Bluehost explained that they were aware of the problem, but really couldn’t do much. That didn’t make a whole lot of sense — if it were true, hackers would freeze up the whole web.

    Anyway, I think WordPress should remove them as a recommended host. After all, that’s what got me “blue” in the first place!

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  • I’ve used Bluehost for several weeks now and love them so far. No problems at all and when I contacted support (over a non problem issue) they got back to me in minutes. I do NOT think WordPress should remove them as a recommended host.

    Thread Starter adamsmark


    Don’t get me wrong. Bluehost responded quickly to my inquires… but only to say they really couldn’t do anything about it. See this:

    I really apologize for this, As a hosting company we never want our service to drop and we constantly have 1 or more admins on the clock 24-7 in order to monitor our servers and keep them running. However despite our constant monitoring, current technologies are still a limitation for us. If we get flooded by network connections from some hacker and it causes our routers to jam, we can only ban them and reset our systems as quickly as we can detect them.

    A response like this and I had no other choice than to leave.

    I’d have to agree with <b>thisisedie</b>. I have been hosted with Bluehost for some time now due to a recommendation by some of my friends, and due to my own experiences with them in helping my friends with their websites. It appears you have had a bad time, but I don’t think there is a host in the world who doesn’t have a few customers who have had a bad time. I read some of your post, and I see they had issues on your server with a DDoS attack. If we could eliminate idiots who create these type of attacks the world would be a better place. Perhaps your experience was less than hoped for, but I would have to say I have loved their support, their speed in answering phones and tickets, and their service.

    Thread Starter adamsmark


    I’m not one to post bad reviews based on one experience. Granted, only my server might have been affected, and all the sites hosted on it. But Bluehost’s response was frankly discouraging. Before I wrote my review, I searched the Internet for other people’s comments. The response is mixed. Some have had a great experience with Bluehost, and for the price, what an experience. But very many have had an awful experience. That makes Bluehost a crapshoot.

    if what this person writes is accurate, theyre just crap. you being a pastor, might disagree, of course.

    despite my admittedly liberal leanings, i am all about a company being able to pick and chose it’s customers. That said, I also believe in being able to make educated decisions about where to spend my $$.

    Nice to have my own server.

    Bernard, out of curiousity, how often does bluehost pay you to come here and shill for them?

    Thread Starter adamsmark


    I don’t care what religion they are — I just want my sites up!

    Bernard, out of curiousity, how often does bluehost pay you to come here and shill for them?

    Never. Maybe I’m just a little over-passionate about some things. I find something I think is interesting and I go on it for a while. Sooner or later it will wear off. Personally I think Bluehost is a great company, so I admit it. I did the same with the Money Merge Account a while back. I got interested in it, so I became active on forums and blogs for quite a while, and I never became an agent, worked for the company, or made a single dollar off of it.

    I’v been using and recommending Bluehost for nearly 3 years. This Bluehost has never caused me any problems, and their 24/7 support is great.

    Sorry to hear you have had some trouble, but honestly, I couldn’t recommend them highly enough, and they certainly deserve to be given the thumbs up by WordPress.

    Cheers ??

    Bluehost charges me. I like them anyways.

    Feel free to take your business on down the road. At Bluehost your $6.95 a month buys a LOT of diskspace and bandwidth. It may be that you will be able to find a better deal with a company that NEVER gets DDOS’d.

    It may be that pigs really do fly, after all.

    Thread Starter adamsmark


    I’ve used many services — Hostgator, 1and1, Rackspace, Liquidweb, Yahoo — for the different sites I help maintain, so I speak from experience. Perhaps it was the single server that got attacked, though judging from other people’s responses, probably not, but I haven’t had any issues with my current hostprovider.

    Again, what bothered me about Bluehost was that they effectively said there really wasn’t much they could do. If that were true, then the whole Internet would go down. My sites were down several times each day for over three weeks.

    Price is meaningless if your sites don’t run properly.

    My only input here is to say that I am disappointed that www.remarpro.com continue to push bluehost when there are much more deserving hosts out there. Sadly though, they can’t cough up the same financial kickbacks as bluehost are able to.

    In my case bluehost repeatedly took down my blog for language in my comments that their moral standards officer thought was offensive. Their behaviour was quite unlike any I have ever experienced, and while they were quite charming on the telephone, their repeated removal of my blog on moral grounds was simply unacceptable.

    The language involved was no worse than what you would see in any movie or hear on any street, and while certain people here advised that one should only write using words they were comfortable using in the company of prospective in-laws, I decided that I would rather give my money to a host that didn’t believe in imposing strangely old fashioned moral standards over the basic principles of free speech and freedom of expression.

    Indeed, Bluehost told me that if I used a blog to suggest that I thought President George Bush was a “horses ass”, this would cause the site to be removed on the grounds of it being offensive. It’s not clear why their CEO’s blog wasn’t then removed when he called Bill Gates a “jackass.”

    In their favor, the tech support guy I spoke to in the end did give me a full refund and was very helpful in moving the blog to another host.

    Once again though, just to be clear and so as to not ruffle the feathers of those with wonderfully refined moral compasses, the blog comments in question did not use cuss words excessively or in a manner than any ordinary webmaster would feel required an intervention.

    If Bluehost are as flakey in their uptime as they are about applying their moral standards then my advice, Adam, is to find another host.

    In the words of the wonderful Sarah Palin, tell those boys in Utah “Thanks but no thanks!” ??

    Thread Starter adamsmark


    This is astonishing. I run a Christian blog, but I wouldn’t want Bluehost judging the content of my site. Heck, I’ve posted a quote from C.S. Lewis where he uses “damn” — would Bluehost censor that?

    Well if they would take down a blog which called President Bush a “horses ass” then I think you have to assume that the use of the word “damn” might trigger some harsh moral judgement.

    Thread Starter adamsmark



    Oh and hey, I’d avoid Midphase hosting too!

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