• LeahRae


    Can someone explain why my website is now showing this:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/username/public_html/folder/wp-config.php on line 18

    This is after I disabled Bad Behavior!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!!!! I was troubleshooting another possible plugin issue & decided to disable Bad Behavior as part of the troubleshooting process.


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  • treydock


    Can you paste in a few lines before and after line 18?

    Thread Starter LeahRae


    Thanks for replying.

    I no longer have the file to show you the lines before & after line 18, because I fixed the issue early this morning. Basically what it appeared to be was that Bad Behavior left droppings all over the config while removing some on the SQL but not all. So the SQL was looking for files that still had _wp (which Bad Behavior fixed), yet further on in the SQL _randomnamingBadBehaviorsuggestedasbestpractice was still called.

    I fixed it by doing a search for it on the SQL & removing it manually. It left behind traces under “active_plugins”. SQL _randomnamingBadBehaviorsuggestedasbestpractice was still called for in the wp_config so I then uploaded an original wp_config & my site came back up.

    I guess the take away is to do back up’s before every install (which I do) & uninstall (which I will now do)

    I came across 1 problem with Cpanel & R1Soft backups that my host does. They NOT download the current SQL file with a full site backup for whatever reason anymore (they used to). I have found that this is a configuration issue. So be warned – download your Cpanel full backup & also a separate backup of your SQL to be on the safe side. ??

    Let me say that Bad Behavior WORKS! I luv it as a plugin & will reinstall it on my websites. I also will install it on clients websites now that I have a heads up on potential issues. I like to be the Guinea Pig & then use software on client websites + I always tell them to give a bit to the authors to keep the software free & awesome.

    Again Thank You & I hope that my info helps the community ??


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