• After installing Bad Behavior 2.0.14 (and it works great, by the way), I noticed my dashboard slowed to a crawl. For a few days I thought it was just my host traffic, but then I started to investigate. Using Firebug’s NET feature, the offending file is wp-admin/admin-ajax.php that is loading in 25-30 seconds.

    when i finally thought of disabling BB – admin-ajax.php loads in normal time and the dashboard drops to about 3 seconds. I was not running BB in strict mode.

    what exactly is the problem between these two – and are there any hacks that might help out? After BB (with akismet), my comment spam seems to have stopped completely. I dont want to giveup BB but the dashboard is certainly a pain in the butt..

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  • Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    I’ve stopped using BB for much the same reason. Whatever checks it’s doing are incredibly slow on almost all my pages. I switched to using Akismet with the Simple Trackback Validation plugin instead, and have not had any increase in spam.

    Thread Starter chewru


    Thanks Otto. I’ll installed it. The one thing I’m concerned about, however, is that it appears the plug-in you suggest still lets them ‘in the door’. The reason I wanted to add BB is because my GA and other stats have (appeared) to include bots in my unique IP totals. Does this sound believable to you?

    After we installed BB, our visits declined a bit, which I hoped was because BB actually blocks them from making certain type of connections to our comments. Akismet on its own does a great job, but I loved the fact that BB worked more from the connection side.

    Case in point, sites like the web site optimizer won’t even connect when BB is active – so they can’t possibly add to our web traffic totals.

    I’ll see if we suddenly have a new spike in our traffic when BB is disabled again. I don’t imagine it runs any better with 2.5x? .. I am planning to upgrade when 2.51 comes out.

    I’m running WordPress 2.6 and I just disabled BB for this reason, so it doesn’t seem to have improved. I’m sorry to see it go, as I did enjoy keeping the spammers from connecting at all, but the sacrifice is too great. Even posting and commenting would sometimes time out on account of its lag.

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