BacWPup 2.0 and WP 3.2 totally broken
Big mess. On displaying jobs ovetview I get repeated.
Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in /mnt/vhosts/ on line 248
Run Now just hangs no message in Working
Clicking See Working from the Amin bar goes to job ovetview.
Man, I can’t believe your turn around on bug fixes. I only posted the log file folder issue a couple hours ago and here you are with a fix. That’s awesome.
Excellent work, great plugin. Thanks heaps.
Tried v2.02. Still not working. A few things behave differently but still can’t make a backup.Stsrt backup get black window. Let run for an hour or so. Abort snd check the logs and it has one line, aborted by user.
Yet the 1.7.8 that I patched for 3.2 runs perfectly.
What @abailey said… v.2.0.2 still #fail. No backups, no logging, black log window, but his patched 1.7.8 runs fine.
Many thanks, abailey ??
I have now installed your patched version and both of my jobs run perfectly ??
I had earlier updated to v2.0.2 and found nothing changed – same results as per your last post.
zip creation in 2.0.2 works fine ??
you do a great jobbut dropbox upload is still broken ??
the upload required too much time and i must cancle the jobnow i deregister the dropbox-app and i’ve create a new directory for backups. then i re-registered the app in dropbox.
it works :)))
sorry for false report.
2.0.2 jobs (quick table check) still displays black log box and 100% in no time but actually is still running
Going to try @abailey patched 1.7.8
@daniel Just some follow-up for you. I updated to v.2.0.2 today and ran it. It works ok on my end, – except that it still jumps to the ‘Working’ page and hangs there, instead of going to the ‘Log’ page as it did before.
Thanks for the quick turn around – and agian thanks to you all for your suppot here. ??
Strange, on my WP blog the 2.02 version pluginworks well if you use “backup now” feature. However, it has errored twice in as many days when I run it as a Cron job at midnight each day. Go figure.
I may revert to the 1.78 version so here have mentioned.
Many thanks for you efforts Daniel.
I’m sorry but the dropbox upload is still broken now.
Here is the log:2011-07-09 04:15.45: [INFO]: BackWPup version 2.0.2, Copyright ? 2011 Daniel Hüsken
2011-07-09 04:15.45: [INFO]: BackWPup erhalten Sie OHNE JEDWEDE GARANTIE. Dies ist freie Software (quelloffen, im Sinne von Open Source) und Sie sind eingeladen, sie unter bestimmten Bedingungen weiterzugeben.
2011-07-09 04:15.45: [INFO]: BackWPup Auftrag: 1. Backup; DB+FILE+OPTIMIZE+CHECK
2011-07-09 04:15.45: [INFO]: BackWPup-Planung (Cron): 0 3 * * *; Sun, 10 Jul 2011 05:00
2011-07-09 04:15.45: [INFO]: PHP-Version: 5.3.5; cgi-fcgi; Linux
2011-07-09 04:15.45: [INFO]: MySQL-Version: 5.1.54-log
2011-07-09 04:15.45: [INFO]: cURL-Version: 7.20.0; OpenSSL/0.9.8p
2011-07-09 04:15.45: [INFO]: Temp-Ordner ist: /tmp/backwpup_8f00b204e9800998/
2011-07-09 04:15.45: [INFO]: Datensicherungsdatei ist: /kunden/142504_61191/webseiten/emkay/backwpup/
2011-07-09 04:15.45: 1. Versuche Datenbank in Datei zu dumpen…
2011-07-09 04:15.45: Datenbanktabelle dumpen: wp_commentmeta
2011-07-09 04:15.45: Datenbanktabelle dumpen: wp_comments
2011-07-09 04:15.45: Datenbanktabelle dumpen: wp_links
2011-07-09 04:15.45: Datenbanktabelle dumpen: wp_options
2011-07-09 04:15.45: Datenbanktabelle dumpen: wp_postmeta
2011-07-09 04:15.45: Datenbanktabelle dumpen: wp_posts
2011-07-09 04:15.45: Datenbanktabelle dumpen: wp_term_relationships
2011-07-09 04:15.45: Datenbanktabelle dumpen: wp_term_taxonomy
2011-07-09 04:15.45: Datenbanktabelle dumpen: wp_terms
2011-07-09 04:15.45: Datenbanktabelle dumpen: wp_usermeta
2011-07-09 04:15.45: Datenbanktabelle dumpen: wp_users
2011-07-09 04:15.45: Datenbanktabelle dumpen: wp_yarpp_keyword_cache
2011-07-09 04:15.45: Datenbanktabelle dumpen: wp_yarpp_related_cache
2011-07-09 04:15.45: Datenbank-Dump fertig!
2011-07-09 04:15.45: Füge Datenbank-Dump der Datensicherungs-Liste hinzu: db142504_14.sql 1.04 MB
2011-07-09 04:15.45: 1. Try for make a list of files to Backup ….
2011-07-09 04:15.46: Dateien zur Datensicherung: 2327
2011-07-09 04:15.46: Gr??e aller Dateien: 34.36 MB
2011-07-09 04:15.46: 1. Versuche Datensicherungs-ZIP-Dateie (PcLZip) zu erstellen…
2011-07-09 04:15.55: Erstellung der Datensicherungs-ZIP-Datei fertig!
2011-07-09 04:15.55: Datensicherungsarchiv-Dateigr??e ist 16.07 MB
2011-07-09 04:15.55: 1. Versuche Datensicherungsdatei via E-Mail zu senden…
2011-07-09 04:15.55: E-Mail senden mit PHP mail
2011-07-09 04:15.55: E-Mail erstellen
2011-07-09 04:15.55: Anhang wird zur E-Mail hinzugefügt
2011-07-09 04:15.55: Speicher(limit) erh?ht von 50M auf 94M
2011-07-09 04:15.55: E-Mail wird gesendet …
2011-07-09 04:15.55: [VERALTET] Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated
2011-07-09 04:15.55: [VERALTET] Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated
2011-07-09 04:15.58: E-Mail wurde gesendet!!!
2011-07-09 04:15.58: 1. Versuche Datensicherungsdatei an die Dropbox zu senden…
2011-07-09 04:15.59: Authentifiziert mit Dropbox von [xxxxxxxxxx]
2011-07-09 04:15.59: Freier Speicherplatz auf Dropbox: 1.72 GB
2011-07-09 04:15.59: Hochladen in die Dropbox hat begonnen …
2011-07-09 07:24.42: [ERROR]Abgebrochen vom Benutzer!!!I’d like to report that the 2.02 version of the BacWPup plugin ran successfully as a Cron job overnight and produced a .ZIP file without issue.
This is the test I have been waiting to report on – previously the overnight backup failed but running the test “on demand” seemed to run fine.
I do not use the “Drop Box” feature and with have to read more about it to test and report here.
I hope everyone is back to running smooth backups again!
Using 2.02 I, too, get the blank page which immediately jumps 100% progress
The only thing that appears in the log after letting it run for a couple of hours was
one line, [ERROR]Aborted by user!!!
@abeily: Please put a regular link to the downloadable file, not a user-registration requiring my PayPal account name and name and email to you.
Why do I need to leave my Payment details when the download is free? This doesn ot make sense.
There’s also no “Impressum” (imprint) on the site readily viewable, so this does not create more trust.
So please place a plain link instead.
For zero charge items, which this is, it doesn’t go to PayPal at all. It just sends the download instructions.I do want to get a contact address in case some new problem comes up. It should not be your PayPal address. Just someplace I can contact you if needed.
I’m having the same problem as abailey:
“Start backup get black window. Let run for an hour or so. Abort snd check the logs and it has one line, aborted by user.
Yet the 1.7.8 that I patched for 3.2 runs perfectly.”
Before trying the patched interim version, I deleted and recreated the old job, then deactivated and reactivated the plug-in.
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