• Hi,

    when I run backwpub manually it works perfectly. When I want the backup to execute scheduled, nothing happens.

    I presume, that is a problem with wp-cron. For my blog (otto-freij.de) I have a Webpack XL with Host Europe. My block is in the testphase, so there a not many visits right now. But i deubt it would bacup, if there were more visits, because at least I visited my blog regularily for maintenAnce.

    Any Ideas? How could I circumvent this problem?

    Thank in advance.


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  • Sorry, but i cant see that ther have cronjobs in that package.

    Please cechk for this or use a externel cron service and litte timwise exectute https://yourdomain.de/wp-cron.php


    same problem here – nothing ever happens besides i start the job manually.
    In cron.php and wp-cron.php I changed $local_time to $gmt_time without success.
    I wonder about the time shown in the cron window:
    N?chster Durchlauf: Di, 5 Feb 2013, 11:50 – its always an hour ‘ahead’ – i cant get it start in 5/10/15..min ?!

    I also log-in tom my site permanently so it should start…

    Thanks for a reply !!

    Please test it with the new VErsion when it is out. Near next week.

    Oh thanks Daniel, i’ll try…

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