• While trying to configure BackWPup on a new web host, I noticed my jobs weren’t running. After some troubleshooting, I narrowed it down to an issue when attempting to use the “Activate maintenance mode” option on database actions. If I disable the option, everything works fine.

    As a test, I created a very simple job that only does a Database Backup to a folder. No Dumpfile compression is used. Here are the results of the job:

    [INFO] BackWPup version 3.0.8; WordPress version 3.5.1; A project of Inpsyde GmbH developed by Daniel Hüsken
    [INFO] This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
    [INFO] BackWPup job: test; DBDUMP
    [INFO] BackWPup job started manually
    [INFO] PHP ver.: 5.3.23; cgi-fcgi; Linux
    [INFO] Maximum script execution time is 30 seconds
    [INFO] MySQL ver.: 5.1.68-cll
    [INFO] curl ver.: 7.24.0; OpenSSL/1.0.0
    [INFO] Temp folder is: /home/USERNAME/public_html/SUBFOLDER/DOMAIN/SUBDOMAIN/content/uploads/backwpup-12345-temp/
    [INFO] Logfile folder is: /home/USERNAME/public_html/SUBFOLDER/DOMAIN/SUBDOMAIN/content/uploads/backwpup-12345-logs/
    [INFO] Backup type is: archive
    [INFO] Backup file is: /home/USERNAME/public_html/SUBFOLDER/DOMAIN/SUBDOMAIN/content/uploads/backwpup-12345-backups/backwpup_12345_2013-04-21_23-08-48.tar.gz
    [21-Apr-2013 23:08:48] 1. Try to dump database …
    [21-Apr-2013 23:13:54] WARNING: Job restart due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.
    [21-Apr-2013 23:13:54] STRICT NOTICE: Declaration of OpenCloud\DNS\PtrRecord::Create() should be compatible with that of OpenCloud\DNS\DnsObject::Create()
    [21-Apr-2013 23:13:54] STRICT NOTICE: Declaration of OpenCloud\DNS\PtrRecord::Update() should be compatible with that of OpenCloud\DNS\DnsObject::Update()
    [21-Apr-2013 23:13:54] STRICT NOTICE: Declaration of OpenCloud\DNS\PtrRecord::Delete() should be compatible with that of OpenCloud\DNS\DnsObject::Delete()
    [21-Apr-2013 23:13:54] STRICT NOTICE: Declaration of OpenCloud\DNS\PtrRecord::UpdateJson() should be compatible with that of OpenCloud\DNS\DnsObject::UpdateJson()
    [21-Apr-2013 23:13:54] 2. Try to dump database …
    [21-Apr-2013 23:18:56] WARNING: Job restart due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.
    [21-Apr-2013 23:18:56] STRICT NOTICE: Declaration of OpenCloud\DNS\PtrRecord::Create() should be compatible with that of OpenCloud\DNS\DnsObject::Create()
    [21-Apr-2013 23:18:56] STRICT NOTICE: Declaration of OpenCloud\DNS\PtrRecord::Update() should be compatible with that of OpenCloud\DNS\DnsObject::Update()
    [21-Apr-2013 23:18:56] STRICT NOTICE: Declaration of OpenCloud\DNS\PtrRecord::Delete() should be compatible with that of OpenCloud\DNS\DnsObject::Delete()
    [21-Apr-2013 23:18:56] STRICT NOTICE: Declaration of OpenCloud\DNS\PtrRecord::UpdateJson() should be compatible with that of OpenCloud\DNS\DnsObject::UpdateJson()
    [21-Apr-2013 23:18:56] 3. Try to dump database …
    [21-Apr-2013 23:24:00] WARNING: Job restart due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.
    [21-Apr-2013 23:24:00] STRICT NOTICE: Declaration of OpenCloud\DNS\PtrRecord::Create() should be compatible with that of OpenCloud\DNS\DnsObject::Create()
    [21-Apr-2013 23:24:00] STRICT NOTICE: Declaration of OpenCloud\DNS\PtrRecord::Update() should be compatible with that of OpenCloud\DNS\DnsObject::Update()
    [21-Apr-2013 23:24:00] STRICT NOTICE: Declaration of OpenCloud\DNS\PtrRecord::Delete() should be compatible with that of OpenCloud\DNS\DnsObject::Delete()
    [21-Apr-2013 23:24:00] STRICT NOTICE: Declaration of OpenCloud\DNS\PtrRecord::UpdateJson() should be compatible with that of OpenCloud\DNS\DnsObject::UpdateJson()
    [21-Apr-2013 23:24:00] 1. Trying to create backup archive …
    [21-Apr-2013 23:24:00] Compression method is TarGz
    [21-Apr-2013 23:24:00] Backup archive created.
    [21-Apr-2013 23:24:00] Archive size is 35.00 B .
    [21-Apr-2013 23:24:00] 0 Files with  in Archive.
    [21-Apr-2013 23:24:00] Job done in 912 seconds.

    (I changed the paths a little to hide specific path locations.)

    Any idea why this happens?


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  • I started receiving the same error last night during my nightly backup.

    Is it safe to assume you are using RackSpace since your log is referencing OpenCloud? If so may be related to an update that took place last night.

    I noticed one of my servers hosted on RaceSpace was restarted, not by me, and since the restart my server will not backup either.

    @travis Tubbs: kan i have a look at you wp site? Please mail me to d dot huesken at inpsyde dot com

    @wyseguy79: I wait for a opencloud update that hopefully removes the messages, but in moment ther is none.
    IF ther a massage if you starts the backup.

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