Backups still not completing
The same problem I noted a few years back ( is still happening.
The database backs up just fine, but when I try to do a backup of this particular site that includes all site files and the database, it stops at this line:
Trying to make a list of folders to back up?…
If I’m doing a manual backup and click to run it again immediately, it works fine. However, the automated backups are failing in the same way, so no backup is being made.
Previously you suggested this:
I’m not sure if it is related, but maybe you could try to enable alternative cron, then run the job again to see if the issue is fixed.
Here how to enable WP alternaive cron:
modify?wp-config.php?( you can find this file in your root directory ), and?BEFORE?the line:
/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
add this line:define('ALTERNATE_WP_CRON' , true );
I can try that if it’s still your suggestion, but I wanted to check if you want me to do that or if I should do this (and schedule a cron job through hosting):
define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true);
Hi @bws-online,
I think the backup process stuck somewhere during file compression process.
Please go to BackWPUp -> Settings -> Logs -> Logging Level -> Debug(not translated ), run the job again and send us debug log.
You can get backup log at : BackWpUp -> Logs.Also, please try split the big backup job into smaller ones
I grabbed the log from the last time it tried to run (see below — I edited some of the info (adding in placeholders to keep my client’s details a little more private), but I can provide as needed) — it’s pretty much the same as what I saw just now. However, this time when it got stuck as above I was watching and I saw it also gave a red error message:
ERROR: Exception caught in ValueError: trigger_error(): Argument #2 ($error_level) must be one of E_USER_ERROR, E_USER_WARNING, E_USER_NOTICE, or E_USER_DEPRECATED
I did recently upgrade the site to PHP 8.0, though, so I think the error above might be something related to that and not the “Trying to make a list of folders” locking up issue.
Yeah, as before, after seeing the log issue like below, I run it again and it runs okay. (I saw a “restart after 30 seconds” message twice, but it kept going and completed the backup fine.)
It doesn’t feel like it’s a big backup issue — is under 300MB a big backup? If so, how do I split it up (just back up different folders in different backups)?
[INFO] BackWPup 4.0.2; A project of WP Media [INFO] WordPress 6.4.3 on [INFO] Log Level: Debug [INFO] BackWPup job: All site files and database; DBDUMP+FILE+WPPLUGIN [INFO] Runs with user: (0) [INFO] Cron: 0 3 * * 0; Next: Sun, 25 Feb 2024 @ 03:00 [INFO] BackWPup job started from wp-cron [INFO] PHP ver.: 8.0.30 (64bit); cgi-fcgi; Linux [INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is 120 seconds [INFO] Script restart time is configured to 30 seconds [INFO] MySQL ver.: 5.7.44-48-log [INFO] Web Server: Apache [INFO] curl ver.: 8.2.1; OpenSSL/3.1.1 [INFO] Temp folder is: /home/customer/www/ [INFO] Logfile is: /home/customer/www/
logs/backwpup_log_8e7ecb_2024-02-18_03-03-51.html [INFO] Backup file is: /home/customer/www/clientsitenamehere
-backups/ [18-Feb-2024 03:03:51]?1. Try to backup database?… [18-Feb-2024 03:03:51]?Connected to database client1_clientdb on localhost [18-Feb-2024 03:03:51]?Backup database table "wp_actionscheduler_actions" with "~2" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:51]?Backup database table "wp_actionscheduler_claims" with "~0" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:51]?Backup database table "wp_actionscheduler_groups" with "~1" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:51]?Backup database table "wp_actionscheduler_logs" with "~6" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:51]?Backup database table "wp_commentmeta" with "128" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:51]?Backup database table "wp_comments" with "388" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:51]?Backup database table "wp_ewwwio_images" with "~2537" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:51]?Backup database table "wp_ewwwio_queue" with "~0" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:51]?Backup database table "wp_links" with "7" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:51]?Backup database table "wp_mapp_maps" with "~0" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:51]?Backup database table "wp_mappress_maps" with "1" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:51]?Backup database table "wp_mappress_posts" with "1" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:51]?Backup database table "wp_ngg_album" with "0" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:51]?Backup database table "wp_ngg_gallery" with "6" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:51]?Backup database table "wp_ngg_pictures" with "119" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:51]?Backup database table "wp_options" with "1341" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:51]?Backup database table "wp_postmeta" with "14612" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_posts" with "2558" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_redirection_404" with "~108" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_redirection_groups" with "~2" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_redirection_items" with "~7" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_redirection_logs" with "~2" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_seo_title_tag_category" with "0" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_seo_title_tag_tag" with "0" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_seo_title_tag_url" with "0" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_term_relationships" with "463" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_term_taxonomy" with "18" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_termmeta" with "11" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_terms" with "18" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_testimonials" with "4" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_usermeta" with "104" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_users" with "2" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_wfBlockedIPLog" with "0" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_wfBlocks7" with "~0" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_wfConfig" with "304" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_wfCrawlers" with "3" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_wfFileChanges" with "~0" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_wfFileMods" with "11946" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_wfHits" with "6" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_wfHoover" with "0" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_wfIssues" with "3" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_wfKnownFileList" with "11946" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_wfLiveTrafficHuman" with "~0" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_wfLocs" with "0" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_wfLogins" with "1253" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_wfNotifications" with "~100" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_wfPendingIssues" with "~0" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_wfReverseCache" with "3" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_wfSNIPCache" with "0" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_wfSecurityEvents" with "~0" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_wfStatus" with "964" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_wfTrafficRates" with "~0" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_wfWafFailures" with "~0" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_wfls_2fa_secrets" with "~0" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_wfls_role_counts" with "~0" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_wfls_settings" with "~28" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_yoast_indexable" with "~120" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_yoast_indexable_hierarchy" with "~123" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_yoast_migrations" with "~23" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_yoast_primary_term" with "~46" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_yoast_seo_links" with "~545" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Backup database table "wp_yoast_seo_meta" with "~162" records [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Added database dump "client1_clientdb.sql" with 35.10 MB to backup file list [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?Database backup done! [18-Feb-2024 03:03:52]?1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up?…Yeah just 300mb is a small one, could you try downgrade to 7.4 then run again, just for a test!
For the PHP 8.0 currnetly, maybe try with backup to Tar instead of Zip.
The site was at 7.4 before the update to 8.0 (recently) and was having the problems, I’m not going to revert at this time.
I tried a new job with Tar instead of Zip. It hangs up at the exact same spot.
And again, if I run the job immediately after the one that locks up, it works just fine (just almost double the size). So it sounds like something isn’t properly getting initialized on the first attempt maybe?
I set a job to run, and then set a copy of it to run 5 minutes later — and that worked (on the second run). So for now I have a solution that’s not awful, but it would be really great if this could be fixed. Thanks.
This reply was modified 9 months ago by
I’m still getting the error I noted previously:
ERROR: Exception caught in ValueError: trigger_error(): Argument #2 ($error_level) must be one of E_USER_ERROR, E_USER_WARNING, E_USER_NOTICE, or E_USER_DEPRECATED
Also, backups still aren’t completing without me running them twice. Any update on this?
so I would need your debug log:
BackWPUp -> Settings -> Logs -> Logging Level -> Debug(not translated ), rerun the job, and send us the latest debug log file at BackWpUp -> Logs
and the screenshot of your job -> Files tab, please upload the image somewhere and give a link it here.
Thank you!
Where do I send you the log? (It’s a client site, so would prefer not to post the log or the screenshot on a public forum.) Thanks.
Hi @bws-online,
Please upload the log somewhere and give me a link here, just removing your client domain is enough so no one will able to find the site!
Thank you!
I uploaded them here. (The link will expire, so I might have to do it again after the weekend.)
Uploaded again in case you have time to check this out soon.
Trying again. Please let me know when you can check this out. (I just uploaded them again, it’s good for 24 hours.) Thanks.
Sorry but the site is not accessible, I can’t see the log.
Sorry, forgot the updated link — try this:
Is there a way so I can see the log? the page said 404 again :/
The upload is good for 24 hours. If that’s not going to work, I’ll find another place to upload.
New upload:
This reply was modified 9 months ago by
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