
    After manually backing up, and then downloading the backup, the .tar.gz file is about 6.x meg, when extracting, the .tar file become a whopping 2.x gigs and the archive is corrupt.

    What are the steps to ensure BackUpWP archives are not corrupt?
    Also some archive management reports the archives are password protected? Why? What is this plugin hiding?

    Please advise.


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  • Caspar


    Hi Roger, I’ve replied to your post here. Please don’t cross-post, it makes it harder for our support to keep track of issues.

    What is this plugin hiding?

    It’s really up to your imagination. Could be anything from a pink elefant to the Eiffel Tower, couldn’t it?

    All kidding aside, neither the plugin, nor the developers hide anything. I am sorry to hear BackWPup doesn’t do its job for you as it should, but I’d suggest we try to work together in solving the issue rather than spreading meaningless rumors. Deal?

    [Marked as resolved, because topic essentially is a cross-post. Issue tracked here.]

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