• Resolved Twansparant


    Hi there,

    I just purchased BackupBuddy in order to perform a scheduled backup of all my files. I must say the interfaces of both the new Security & BackupBuddy is very clear and easy. Kudos for that!
    However after activating and configuring BackupBuddy I would expect that the warnings in my Security dashboard about nog having schedules database and files backups would go away, but they’re not? Am I missing a checkbox somewhere stating I already purchased BackupBuddy?

    Your site is performing scheduled database backups but is not backing up files. Consider purchasing or scheduling BackupBuddy to protect your investment.

    It is safe for me to turn of the scheduled database backup in the Security plugin when you’re using BackupBuddy right?

    Thanks, Toine


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  • Hi there,

    I am having the same issue as the one mentioned above by Twansparant. I have BackupBuddy and iThemes Security installed and I am still having the following warning on my Security Dashboard:

    “Your site is performing scheduled database backups but is not backing up files. Consider purchasing or scheduling BackupBuddy to protect your investment.”

    If anyone would be able to help sorting out this issue, that would be highly appreciated!

    Thank you,

    Hey All,

    Thanks for reporting this. We’re currently looking into this. I’ll report back here when I know more.



    Hi Gerroald,

    Thank you so much for your quick response! I have another issue as well. I have W3 Total Cache plugin installed and keep getting the following warning:

    “One or more caching plugins were detected as activated. Some caching plugin configurations may possibly cache & interfere with backup processes or WordPress cron. If you encounter problems clear the caching plugin’s cache (deactivating the plugin may help) to troubleshoot. Activated caching plugins detected: W3 Total Cache.”

    I tried to fix the issue, but so far no luck, unless deleting the caching plugin, which I would like to avoid if possible.

    Do you know any ways to make BackupBuddy work with W3 Total Cache together or if this was a compatibility issue, could you please suggest another caching plugin that is compatible with BackupBuddy?

    Thanks again!

    Thread Starter Twansparant


    Hi Timea,

    I would start a new topic for this issue. More likely that the staff will answer you!

    Dear iThemes Support,

    Just wanted to thank you for your help! With the latest update the above mentioned problem about the warning of

    “Your site is performing scheduled database backups but is not backing up files. Consider purchasing or scheduling BackupBuddy to protect your investment.”

    is solved!

    Thank you so much! ??


    Thanks for the report timeafoki!

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