• One of my clients bought her hosting through a godaddy reseller who refuses to give her access to the phpadmin. will WordPress Database Backup plugin and ftp’ing down the theme files cover all the bases?



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  • Well since most of the Database backup plugins require access to phpmyadmin to restore your backup I’m not sure that it will accomplish what you’re looking for.

    you export the posts and comments and back up your /wp-content folder
    that is about the best you can do without access to phpmyadmin

    Thread Starter intcon


    thanks for the responses….

    The WDB plugin sends her an email every week with a zip file…would this be an export of the posts and comments? would it be enough to restore the site? I’ve always used phpmyadmin and am not familiar with what this would all restore…I’m assuming not graphics she’s used in the posts etc…it says it will back up

    These core WordPress tables will always be backed up:

    * wp_comments
    * wp_links
    * wp_options
    * wp_postmeta
    * wp_posts
    * wp_term_relationships
    * wp_term_taxonomy
    * wp_terms
    * wp_usermeta
    * wp_users

    Is this going to give her back the site if it becomes corrupt? or just parts?

    thank you for your patience…=)


    No it won’t because as you stated in your first post,your client doesn’t have access to phpmyadmin. This means those tables will do her no good as she won’t be able to restore them.

    What samboll said is still the best you can do without having access to phpmyadmin.

    You could make a php file in your root (mysqlbackup.php)
    Replace the HOST, PASSWORD, USER DATABASE. -h, -p, -u should stay there, replace just the cap words. Not sure if GoDaddy disallows exec().
    <?php exec("mysqldump --opt -hHOST -pPASSWORD -uUSER DATABASE > ./db_backup.sql"); ?>

    If you want to zip it put this next in the file.
    <?php exec("gzip ./db_backup.sql"); ?>

    Then access https://www.yourdomain.com/mysqlbackup.php

    Thread Starter intcon


    thanks james..I’ve done the export via samboll…=)

    darrelonsite….thanks! My php skills -which are virtually non-existent- may not allow me to understand how that would work. =) replace HOST with my username PASSWORD with my password and frankly I don’t know what the user database name is….the guy who set it up for her won’t allow any access except ftp to godaddy. =) It makes having a very nervous about being hacked client on one side and a non cooperating host on the other side somewhat like the proverbial rock and a hard place. With LOTS OF CAPITAL LETTERS on the emails. lol..


    You can get your mysql settings from the wp-config.php file if you can FTP.

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