• The Top bar reaches 54% and the bottom bar climbs to 64% after 3467 seconds. I have left it as long as 23,415 seconds before manually aborting. I get no error messages and the log file shows 5 warnings about 5 files it could not read in the document revision plugin folder. The permissions on this folder are identical to the other folder which do not produce errors. The backups were started manually from the console and I have my WordPress 3.5.2 LAMP installation hosted locally and I know the server is virtually idle so cannot understand what problem BACKWPUP has that it cannot report. Must I find an alternative backup solution?


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  • You can send me the full log to d dot huesken at inpsyde dot com. than i will have a look.

    Thread Starter TonyR63


    Hi Daniel

    Thanks for taking the time to respond.

    I changed the archive type from ZIP to tarGz and it run through without error and just the usual 4 warnings. I’m unclear why I am getting warning on these folders:

    WARNING: Folder “/var/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-document-revisions/img” is not readable!
    WARNING: Folder “/var/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-document-revisions/js” is not readable!
    WARNING: Folder “/var/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-document-revisions/css” is not readable!
    WARNING: Folder “/var/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-document-revisions/languages” is not readable!
    WARNING: Folder “/var/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-document-revisions/tests” is not readable!

    I checked the permissions and they are the same as the other folders that do not produce warnings?

    How to I get rid of the warnings and what is causing them?

    I need to do a test restore of the tarGz but I won’t have an environment available until mid next week but I will report back.

    From your message I don’t understand where to upload the log file you requested. What is “d dot huesken at inpsyde dot com”?

    Here is an extract anyway:

    [INFO] BackWPup version 3.1.2; A project of Inpsyde GmbH
    [INFO] WordPress version 3.5.2
    [INFO] Blog url: https://telelinux/wordpress/
    [INFO] BackWPup job: Db & File Backup; DBDUMP+FILE+WPPLUGIN
    [INFO] BackWPup no automatic job start configured
    [INFO] BackWPup job started manually
    [INFO] PHP ver.: 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.23; apache2handler; Linux
    [INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is 600 seconds
    [INFO] MySQL ver.: 5.1.73-0ubuntu0.10.04.1
    [INFO] Temp folder is: /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-9bfb6f-temp/
    [INFO] Logfile is: /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-a6fdb-logs/backwpup_log_9bfb6f_2014-03-30_00-07-47.html
    [INFO] Backup type is: archive
    [INFO] Backup file is: /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-db171-backups/AR_backwpup_7140e9_2014-03-30_00-07-47.zip……………….

    1. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …
    [30-Mar-2014 00:07:49] Added plugin list file “The-Posssibility-Post.pluginlist.2014-03-30.txt” with 1.97 kB to backup file list.
    [30-Mar-2014 00:07:49] 1. Trying to generate a manifest file …
    [30-Mar-2014 00:07:49] Added manifest.json file with 3.81 kB to backup file list.
    [30-Mar-2014 00:07:49] 1. Trying to create backup archive …
    [30-Mar-2014 00:07:49] Compressing files as ZipArchive. Please be patient, this may take a moment.
    [30-Mar-2014 02:24:22] ERROR: ZipArchive returns status: (ER_NOZIP) Not a zip archive
    [30-Mar-2014 02:24:22] WARNING: ZipArchive::close(): Invalid or unitialized Zip object
    [30-Mar-2014 02:24:23] ERROR: ZipArchive returns status: (ER_NOZIP) Not a zip archive
    [30-Mar-2014 02:24:23] WARNING: ZipArchive::close(): Invalid or unitialized Zip object…………………………

    Errors run for 15,275 with 15,296 warnings

    [30-Mar-2014 03:29:28] Backup archive created.
    [30-Mar-2014 03:29:28] Archive size is .
    [30-Mar-2014 03:29:28] 18998 Files with 4.39 GB in Archive.
    [30-Mar-2014 03:29:28] ERROR: Job has ended with errors in 12101 seconds. You must resolve the errors for correct execution.

    “d dot huesken at inpsyde dot com” is a email adress chang ” dot ” with a . and ” at ” with a @.

    Did you have check the permission of the subfolders from wp-document-revisions ?

    Thread Starter TonyR63



    Yes I checked the permissions of wp-document revisions and they were the same as the other plug-in folders at the same level in the directory tree, I believe www was owner from memory. This was the first thing I looked at. what should the permission be? Document revisions was installed just like the other plugins and I never explicitly set custom permissions. I presume that every time you download a plugin it sets the appropriate permissions for it to install and work. Should I presume that permissions can vary on installed plugins that might affect backups?

    On plugin installation permission every time the same, but i konw plugins that change permissions on files. The Scound what you must check is the ownerchip of the files. Is that the same to?

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