Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Yes the Logfile will be helpfull.

    Thread Starter michaelconroy


    This is the only successful backup:

    [INFO] BackWPup version 3.1.2; A project of Inpsyde GmbH
    [INFO] WordPress version 3.9
    [INFO] Blog url:
    [INFO] BackWPup job: Backup; DBDUMP+FILE+WPPLUGIN
    [INFO] BackWPup cron: 0 3 * * *; Next: Sun, 4 May 2014 @ 03:00
    [INFO] BackWPup job started from wp-cron
    [INFO] PHP ver.: 5.3.3; cgi-fcgi; Linux
    [INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is 30 seconds
    [INFO] MySQL ver.: 5.5.33-31.1-log
    [INFO] curl ver.: 7.19.7; NSS/
    [INFO] Temp folder is: /websites/123reg/LinuxPackage22/fu/si/on/
    [INFO] Logfile is: /websites/123reg/LinuxPackage22/fu/si/on/
    [INFO] Backup type is: archive
    [INFO] Backup file is: /websites/123reg/LinuxPackage22/fu/si/on/
    [03-May-2014 04:00:38] 1. Try to backup database …
    [03-May-2014 04:00:38] Connected to database a__wordp_w21iewg on cust-mysql-123-19
    [03-May-2014 04:00:38] Backup database table “wp_commentmeta” with “0” records
    [03-May-2014 04:00:38] Backup database table “wp_comments” with “1” records
    [03-May-2014 04:00:38] Backup database table “wp_links” with “0” records
    [03-May-2014 04:00:38] Backup database table “wp_options” with “1362” records
    [03-May-2014 04:00:38] Backup database table “wp_postmeta” with “109” records
    [03-May-2014 04:00:38] Backup database table “wp_posts” with “46” records
    [03-May-2014 04:00:38] Backup database table “wp_term_relationships” with “1” records
    [03-May-2014 04:00:38] Backup database table “wp_term_taxonomy” with “6” records
    [03-May-2014 04:00:38] Backup database table “wp_terms” with “6” records
    [03-May-2014 04:00:38] Backup database table “wp_usermeta” with “20” records
    [03-May-2014 04:00:38] Backup database table “wp_users” with “1” records
    [03-May-2014 04:00:38] Added database dump “a__wordp_w21iewg.sql” with 582.13 kB to backup file list
    [03-May-2014 04:00:38] Database backup done!
    [03-May-2014 04:00:38] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …
    [03-May-2014 04:01:01] 1090 folders to backup.
    [03-May-2014 04:01:01] 1. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …
    [03-May-2014 04:01:02] Added plugin list file “FRS.pluginlist.2014-05-03.txt” with 4.30 kB to backup file list.
    [03-May-2014 04:01:02] 1. Trying to generate a manifest file …
    [03-May-2014 04:01:02] Added manifest.json file with 6.88 kB to backup file list.
    [03-May-2014 04:01:02] 1. Trying to create backup archive …
    [03-May-2014 04:01:02] Compressing files as TarGz. Please be patient, this may take a moment.
    [03-May-2014 04:06:40] 2. Trying to create backup archive …
    [03-May-2014 04:13:49] 3. Trying to create backup archive …
    [03-May-2014 04:14:06] Backup archive created.
    [03-May-2014 04:14:06] Archive size is 148.04 MB.
    [03-May-2014 04:14:06] 8674 Files with 232.64 MB in Archive.
    [03-May-2014 04:14:06] 1. Try to send backup file to an FTP server …
    [03-May-2014 04:14:06] Connected to FTP server:
    [03-May-2014 04:14:06] FTP client command: USER [email protected]
    [03-May-2014 04:14:06] FTP server response: User [email protected] logged in.
    [03-May-2014 04:14:06] FTP client command: SYST
    [03-May-2014 04:14:06] FTP server reply: UNIX
    [03-May-2014 04:14:06] FTP current folder is: /public_html/FRS_BAckup/
    [03-May-2014 04:14:06] FTP client command: PASV
    [03-May-2014 04:14:06] FTP server reply: Entering passive mode
    [03-May-2014 04:14:06] Starting upload to FTP …
    [03-May-2014 04:20:51] 2. Try to send backup file to an FTP server …
    [03-May-2014 04:20:51] Connected to FTP server:
    [03-May-2014 04:20:51] FTP client command: USER [email protected]
    [03-May-2014 04:20:51] FTP server response: User [email protected] logged in.
    [03-May-2014 04:20:51] FTP client command: SYST
    [03-May-2014 04:20:51] FTP server reply: UNIX
    [03-May-2014 04:20:51] FTP current folder is: /public_html/FRS_BAckup/
    [03-May-2014 04:20:51] FTP client command: PASV
    [03-May-2014 04:20:51] FTP server reply: Entering passive mode
    [03-May-2014 04:20:51] Starting upload to FTP …
    [03-May-2014 04:21:23] Backup transferred to FTP server: /public_html/FRS_BAckup/backwpup_eaf40c_2014-05-03_04-00-38.tar.gz
    [03-May-2014 04:21:23] Job done in 1245 seconds.

    This is what all subsequent files look like, where noarchive has been created to to back up:-

    [INFO] BackWPup version 3.1.2; A project of Inpsyde GmbH
    [INFO] WordPress version 3.9
    [INFO] Blog url:
    [INFO] BackWPup job: Backup; DBDUMP+FILE+WPPLUGIN
    [INFO] BackWPup cron: 0 3 * * *; Next: Thu, 8 May 2014 @ 03:00
    [INFO] BackWPup job started from wp-cron
    [INFO] PHP ver.: 5.3.3; cgi-fcgi; Linux
    [INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is 30 seconds
    [INFO] MySQL ver.: 5.5.33-31.1-log
    [INFO] curl ver.: 7.19.7; NSS/
    [INFO] Temp folder is: /websites/123reg/LinuxPackage22/fu/si/on/
    [INFO] Logfile is: /websites/123reg/LinuxPackage22/fu/si/on/
    [INFO] Backup type is: archive
    [INFO] Backup file is: /websites/123reg/LinuxPackage22/fu/si/on/
    [07-May-2014 03:00:18] 1. Try to backup database …
    [07-May-2014 03:00:18] Connected to database a__wordp_w21iewg on cust-mysql-123-19
    [07-May-2014 03:00:18] Backup database table “wp_commentmeta” with “0” records
    [07-May-2014 03:00:18] Backup database table “wp_comments” with “1” records
    [07-May-2014 03:00:18] Backup database table “wp_links” with “0” records
    [07-May-2014 03:00:18] Backup database table “wp_options” with “491” records
    [07-May-2014 03:00:18] Backup database table “wp_postmeta” with “480” records
    [07-May-2014 03:00:18] Backup database table “wp_posts” with “232” records
    [07-May-2014 03:00:18] Backup database table “wp_term_relationships” with “22” records
    [07-May-2014 03:00:18] Backup database table “wp_term_taxonomy” with “7” records
    [07-May-2014 03:00:18] Backup database table “wp_terms” with “7” records
    [07-May-2014 03:00:18] Backup database table “wp_usermeta” with “51” records
    [07-May-2014 03:00:18] Backup database table “wp_users” with “2” records
    [07-May-2014 03:00:18] Added database dump “a__wordp_w21iewg.sql” with 805.09 kB to backup file list
    [07-May-2014 03:00:18] Database backup done!
    [07-May-2014 03:00:18] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …
    [07-May-2014 03:00:47] 1093 folders to backup.
    [07-May-2014 03:00:47] 1. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …
    [07-May-2014 03:00:48] Added plugin list file “FRS.pluginlist.2014-05-07.txt” with 4.40 kB to backup file list.
    [07-May-2014 03:00:48] 1. Trying to generate a manifest file …
    [07-May-2014 03:00:48] Added manifest.json file with 7.63 kB to backup file list.
    [07-May-2014 03:00:49] 1. Trying to create backup archive …
    [07-May-2014 03:00:49] Compressing files as TarGz. Please be patient, this may take a moment.
    [07-May-2014 03:07:17] 2. Trying to create backup archive …
    [07-May-2014 03:14:17] 3. Trying to create backup archive …
    [07-May-2014 03:20:16] 1. Try to send backup file to an FTP server …
    [07-May-2014 03:20:16] Connected to FTP server:
    [07-May-2014 03:20:16] FTP client command: USER [email protected]
    [07-May-2014 03:20:17] FTP server response: User [email protected] logged in.
    [07-May-2014 03:20:17] FTP client command: SYST
    [07-May-2014 03:20:17] FTP server reply: UNIX
    [07-May-2014 03:20:17] FTP client command: PASV
    [07-May-2014 03:20:17] FTP server reply: Entering passive mode
    [07-May-2014 03:20:17] Job done in 1199 seconds.

    Thanks for your help.


    Sorry, i only see a problem that the upload not started in the secound log.

    tehr i can se that ther aborts in but the error will not displayed.
    Try to set the maximum script execution time in BackWPup > Settings > Tab: Jobs. Use a Value of 30 secounds.

    Also please think on that you backup to a linux server with case sensitve fiolder names. See FRS_BAckup .

    Thread Starter michaelconroy


    Thanks Daniel

    Tried your suggestions to no avail.

    Think I may have a problem with one of the databases – locked out of one now.

    Can be testing working with technology at times….



    I’m having the same problem. I just changed the max script to 30 secs. We’ll see how that works. Here’s the log in case you see anything else I should do.
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang=”en-US”>
    <meta charset=”UTF-8″ />
    <title>BackWPup log for Full from May 27, 2014 at 3:43 am</title>
    <meta name=”robots” content=”noindex, nofollow” />
    <meta name=”copyright” content=”Copyright © 2012 – 2014 Inpsyde GmbH” />
    <meta name=”author” content=”Inpsyde GmbH” />
    <meta name=”generator” content=”BackWPup 3.1.2″ />
    <meta http-equiv=”cache-control” content=”no-cache” />
    <meta http-equiv=”pragma” content=”no-cache” />
    <meta name=”date” content=”2014-05-27T07:43:45+00:00″ />
    <meta name=”backwpup_errors” content=”0″ />
    <meta name=”backwpup_warnings” content=”0″ />
    <meta name=”backwpup_jobid” content=”1″ />
    <meta name=”backwpup_jobname” content=”Full” />
    <meta name=”backwpup_jobtype” content=”DBCHECK+DBDUMP+FILE+WPPLUGIN” />
    <meta name=”backwpup_backupfilesize” content=”0″ />
    <meta name=”backwpup_jobruntime” content=”8115″ />
    <body style=”margin:0;padding:3px;font-family:Fixedsys,Courier,monospace;font-size:12px;line-height:15px;background-color:#000;color:#fff;white-space:pre;”>
    [INFO] BackWPup version 3.1.2; A project of Inpsyde GmbH
    [INFO] WordPress version 3.9.1
    [INFO] Blog url:
    [INFO] BackWPup cron: 0 3 * * *; Next: Wed, 28 May 2014 @ 03:00
    [INFO] BackWPup job started from wp-cron
    [INFO] PHP ver.: 5.4.26; cgi-fcgi; Linux
    [INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is 600 seconds
    [INFO] MySQL ver.: 5.5.34-cll-lve
    [INFO] curl ver.: 7.24.0; OpenSSL/1.0.1e
    [INFO] Temp folder is: /home/independentnews/public_html/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-2cb53b/
    [INFO] Logfile is: /home/independentnews/public_html/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-2cb53b-logs/backwpup_log_2cb53b_2014-05-27_03-43-45.html
    [INFO] Backup type is: archive
    [INFO] Backup file is: /home/independentnews/public_html/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-2cb53b/
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 155|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 44.50 MB|Mem Max: 44.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 38]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>1. Try to backup database …</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 169|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 44.75 MB|Mem Max: 44.75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 40]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>Connected to database i441575_wp1 on localhost</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 44.75 MB|Mem Max: 44.75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 42]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_cf7dbplugin_submits" with "0" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 44.75 MB|Mem Max: 44.75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 43]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_commentmeta" with "0" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 44.75 MB|Mem Max: 44.75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 44]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_comments" with "1" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 44.75 MB|Mem Max: 44.75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 46]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_gallery_galleries" with "1" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 44.75 MB|Mem Max: 44.75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 48]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_gallery_galleriesslides" with "0" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 44.75 MB|Mem Max: 44.75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 49]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_gallery_slides" with "2" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 44.75 MB|Mem Max: 44.75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 51]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_gde_profiles" with "3" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 44.75 MB|Mem Max: 44.75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 53]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_gde_secure" with "0" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 44.75 MB|Mem Max: 44.75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 54]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_itsec_lockouts" with "143" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 44.75 MB|Mem Max: 44.75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 56]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_itsec_log" with "1686" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 44.75 MB|Mem Max: 47.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 59]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_itsec_temp" with "37" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 44.75 MB|Mem Max: 47.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 61]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_links" with "7" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 44.75 MB|Mem Max: 47.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 63]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_mappress_maps" with "0" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 44.75 MB|Mem Max: 47.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 64]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_mappress_posts" with "0" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 44.75 MB|Mem Max: 47.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 65]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_ngg_album" with "0" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 44.75 MB|Mem Max: 47.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 66]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_ngg_gallery" with "0" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 44.75 MB|Mem Max: 47.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 67]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_ngg_pictures" with "0" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 44.75 MB|Mem Max: 47.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 68]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_options" with "4410" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 44.75 MB|Mem Max: 48.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 70]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_popover" with "0" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 44.75 MB|Mem Max: 48.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 71]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_popover_ip_cache" with "0" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 44.75 MB|Mem Max: 48.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 72]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_postmeta" with "527" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 44.75 MB|Mem Max: 48.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 74]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_posts" with "370" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 45.00 MB|Mem Max: 48.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 76]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_redirection_404" with "1099" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 45.00 MB|Mem Max: 48.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 79]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_redirection_groups" with "2" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:45+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 45.00 MB|Mem Max: 48.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 81]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:45]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_redirection_items" with "2" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:46+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 45.00 MB|Mem Max: 48.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 83]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:46]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_redirection_logs" with "2" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:46+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 45.00 MB|Mem Max: 48.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 85]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:46]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_redirection_modules" with "2" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:46+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 45.00 MB|Mem Max: 48.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 87]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:46]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_stb_styles" with "7" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:46+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 45.00 MB|Mem Max: 48.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 89]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:46]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_term_relationships" with "219" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:46+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 45.00 MB|Mem Max: 48.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 91]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:46]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_term_taxonomy" with "42" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:46+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 45.00 MB|Mem Max: 48.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 93]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:46]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_terms" with "42" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:46+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 45.00 MB|Mem Max: 48.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 95]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:46]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_usermeta" with "165" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:46+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 204|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 45.00 MB|Mem Max: 48.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 97]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:46]</span> <samp>Backup database table "be15lap35u_users" with "6" records</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:46+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 251|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 45.00 MB|Mem Max: 48.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 100]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:46]</span> <samp>Added database dump "i441575_wp1.sql.gz" with 1.12 MB to backup file list</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:46+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 257|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbdump.php|Mem: 45.00 MB|Mem Max: 48.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 100]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:46]</span> <samp>Database backup done!</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:46+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 364|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-file.php|Mem: 45.00 MB|Mem Max: 48.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 101]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:46]</span> <samp>1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:49+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 522|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-file.php|Mem: 45.00 MB|Mem Max: 48.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 102]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:49]</span> <samp>666 folders to backup.</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:49+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 93|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php|Mem: 45.00 MB|Mem Max: 48.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 103]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:49]</span> <samp>1. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:50+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 142|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-wpplugin.php|Mem: 45.50 MB|Mem Max: 48.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 104]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:50]</span> <samp>Added plugin list file "Salisbury-Independent.pluginlist.2014-05-27.txt.gz" with 2.12 kB to backup file list.</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:50+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 1671|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-job.php|Mem: 45.50 MB|Mem Max: 48.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 105]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:50]</span> <samp>1. Trying to generate a manifest file …</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:50+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 1736|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-job.php|Mem: 45.50 MB|Mem Max: 48.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 105]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:50]</span> <samp>Added manifest.json file with 8.08 kB to backup file list.</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:50+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 1760|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-job.php|Mem: 45.75 MB|Mem Max: 48.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 106]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:50]</span> <samp>1. Trying to create backup archive …</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T03:43:50+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 1767|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-job.php|Mem: 45.75 MB|Mem Max: 48.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 5799|Query’s: 106]”>[27-May-2014 03:43:50]</span> <samp>Compressing files as ZipArchive. Please be patient, this may take a moment.</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:05:15+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 1760|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-job.php|Mem: 44.50 MB|Mem Max: 44.50 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 3142|Query’s: 28]”>[27-May-2014 05:05:15]</span> <samp>2. Trying to create backup archive …</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:18:20+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 1760|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-job.php|Mem: 44.00 MB|Mem Max: 44.25 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 8991|Query’s: 34]”>[27-May-2014 05:18:20]</span> <samp>3. Trying to create backup archive …</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:58:59+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 231|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-destination-dropbox.php|Mem: 40.75 MB|Mem Max: 40.75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 26]”>[27-May-2014 05:58:59]</span> <samp>1. Try to send backup file to Dropbox …</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:58:59+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 241|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-destination-dropbox.php|Mem: 40.75 MB|Mem Max: 40.75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 28]”>[27-May-2014 05:58:59]</span> <samp>Authenticated with Dropbox of user Mike Smith ([email protected])</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:58:59+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 247|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-destination-dropbox.php|Mem: 40.75 MB|Mem Max: 40.75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 28]”>[27-May-2014 05:58:59]</span> <samp>Uploading to Dropbox …</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 79|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 40.75 MB|Mem Max: 40.75 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 29]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>1. Trying to check database …</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 32]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_cf7dbplugin_submits is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 33]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_commentmeta is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 34]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_comments is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 35]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_gallery_galleries is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 36]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_gallery_galleriesslides is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 37]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_gallery_slides is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 38]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_gde_profiles is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 39]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_gde_secure is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 40]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_itsec_lockouts is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 41]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_itsec_log is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 42]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_itsec_temp is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 43]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_links is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 44]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_mappress_maps is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 45]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_mappress_posts is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 46]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_ngg_album is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 47]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_ngg_gallery is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 48]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_ngg_pictures is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 49]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_options is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 50]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_popover is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 51]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_popover_ip_cache is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 52]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_postmeta is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 53]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_posts is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 54]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_redirection_404 is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 55]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_redirection_groups is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 56]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_redirection_items is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 57]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_redirection_logs is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 58]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_redirection_modules is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 59]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_stb_styles is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 60]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_term_relationships is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 61]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_term_taxonomy is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 62]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_terms is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 63]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_usermeta is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 123|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 64]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Result of table check for be15lap35u_users is: OK</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 142|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-jobtype-dbcheck.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 64]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Database check done!</samp>
    <span datetime=”2014-05-27T05:59:00+00:00″ title=”[Type: 1024|Line: 1208|File: wp-content/plugins/backwpup/inc/class-job.php|Mem: 41.00 MB|Mem Max: 41.00 MB|Mem Limit: 256M|PID: 24653|Query’s: 65]”>[27-May-2014 05:59:00]</span> <samp>Job done in 8115 seconds.</samp>

    Please try the beat from

    Do you mean try the update? What files do I need to update?

    Please replace all files of the Plugin.

Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
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