• I’ve read through a number of possible errors and this one seems unique. Backups (6 sites) all worked successfully, with success messages. Cloning to a new site with a fresh WordPress install, following standard instructions, once again get a success message. When I click on any link (including view your site, fix your Permalinks) I’m presented with the WordPress install page (Site name, Admin user name and password, email) and once I submit, everything reverts to a blank new site with the WP Clone plug-in installed but deactivated.

    It’s like the film Groundhog Day. Any thoughts?


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  • Same issue, have tried a fresh install of WordPress, deleted the plugin and reinstalled, I even deleted wpclone directly from the database and installed it again. No matter what I do it keeps sending me to the “Welcome” screen of the five minute WordPress install.

    It’s like the GIANT PUDDLE in Groundhogs day.

    I have to expound on my problem: I can backup fine but when I choose WPClone in the new site I am taken to the Install page. So I can’t install the backup.

    I am having exactly the same issue. I have a zip from WP-Clone which I am trying to migrate to a new site for a client – seems to go through the restore fine then takes me straight to the Welcome for the WP install. Not good!

    Same thing here.

    Sounds like a new issue?

    Anybody have any ideas?

    I seem to have the same problem.

    It happens when the site you are backing up is the new 4.0 version of WordPress and when you recover the site in a fresh 4.0 copy of WP you get the new WP installation screen after clicking any links.

    I have successfully restored about 5 sites to a new location just as long as I ensure the WP version is below 4.0

    I think the devs need to check out an upgrade for the plugin possibly ??

    Same problem here, but my clone site is using WP 3.9.2 and the localhost I am cloning to is on WP 4.0.

    Any suggestions to solve the problem much appreciated!!

    Same issue here … trying a manual restore from WP Clone back set. Will report back if it works.

    Manual restore using WP_Clone files resulted in a lot of errors. Time spent was about the same as rebuilding. It was a pretty small site so don’t think this would be a good option for large sites. Sorry!

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