Hello @elitenfc ,
Can you please state which hosting do you use, as the configurations seem quite odd?
There are several things to adjust and check before you start a new restore process:
I.) Please make sure that the backup file is properly uploaded to the correct destination. You can upload it via plugin’s menu section “Manage & Restore Backups”. Alternatively, to a directory designated in the plugin section “Where shall the backups be stored?”
II.) Disable PHP CLI checks:
1. Go to the “Other options” section of the plugin
2. Disable PHP CLI checking: https://prnt.sc/1sljr31
3. Save the “Other options” section
4. Force stop both processes: https://prnt.sc/1trv1tm
After this you can try to run the Restore process again (from the plugin section “Manage & Restore Backups”)
If the process still fails:
III.) It could be that the backup process encountered a timeout limit within your Litespeed configuration and was canceled by the web server.
Timeout in Litespeed is not the same as max_execution_time and it seems to be set to low value on your server.
You need to adjust its value in your Litespeed Dashboard and restart Litespeed, once you do that our backup plugin will be working properly. (consider at least 300 seconds)
IV.) Another possible cause of the issue is caused by the RAM memory limit configuration. Because your WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT is set to 1024M (which is the default value and you need to override it in wp-config.php) our plugin assumes that there are 1024M of free RAM memory, but in reality, there is a hard limit of 40 MBs, best solution for you would be to increase memory limit to 1024M in your php.ini configuration, that would resolve all issues or set correct value for WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT in wp-config.php to “40M”.
After all, running WordPress with only 40 MBs of RAM is quite challenging and may make the website unstable.
You need to increase the memory_limit variable in your php.ini configuration, the most recommended value for you is “1024M”.
After this, please force stop the Restore and run it again please.
Let me know if this worked, if not please provide a fresh debug log.
Kind regards