• this plugin is no longer functional

    —checked files & database, set the settings for both.

    — click backup now. nothing happens

    — uncheck files & check database to try something lighter. click backup now. nothing happens, page refreshes and now database is unchecked.

    — i tried adding advanced settings for network to see if there was some CRON issue. no luck

    UI refresh turned this plugin into a non-functioning backup plugin? if it isn’t making on-demand backups (via BACKUP NOW) i’m concerned the automated backup is not going to run either…

    i’m running 6.7.1 and latest version (5.0.4) of backwpup (as of feb 13). hesitant to update to 6.7.2 as i am unable to make a backup of my site first, lol

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  • Plugin Support Ashiquzzaman Kiron


    Hello @jhmonroe, can you check if do these follow –

    1. Disable all plugins and try to do the backup again
    2. Delete and reinstall the plugin again, try to do the backup again
    3. If you see any other console errors (see instructions), please share it with me.
    Thread Starter James Monroe


    Yes after checking upon clicking BACKUP NOW I do see console errors:

    JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.4.1
    admin.php:1 [DOM] Found 3 elements with non-unique id #_wpnonce: (More info: https://goo.gl/9p2vKq) ? ? ?
    admin.php:1 [DOM] Found 3 elements with non-unique id #backwpupajaxnonce: (More info: https://goo.gl/9p2vKq) ? ? ?
    admin.php:1 Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.
    admin.php:1 Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.


    PS I had clicked BACKUP NOW around 12:30pm. When I refreshed the page like 45mins later after I gave up, and now a progress bar shows but it doesn’t seem to be dynamic. the logs show that the backup didn’t start til 5 mins ago: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qyjq4nln71x26eo6x4tpa/Screenshot-2025-02-18-at-1.20.59-PM.png?rlkey=u81y1g3h8rzycbe2ay2u6dwwb&dl=0

    Update: Once it finished, the backup had taken 6 mins but as mentioned before, it didn’t start when BACKUP NOW was clicked. It started like 45 mins later.

    FWIW The old version of this plugin would start right away even if the backup was ultimately going to be large…

    I will wait for my next automatic backup in a few days and see if it happens

    Plugin Support Ashiquzzaman Kiron


    Hello @jhmonroe, thank you for sharing detailed feedback. We’re in the process of updating the UI & and some of the processes (“backup now” button starts late and more). So that it’ll be easier for everyone to follow.

    Meanwhile, would you be interested in having a call with me about your feedback on this new plugin update? If yes, please contact me via the contact form in this support forum pinned post. I’d be more than happy to listen to your problems.



    I am having same issues. I’ve had the plugin for a long time. And my old cron backups are still working although with tons of errors of files names being too long or whatever.

    When trying to create a back up. literally nothing happens. Nothing. I am pushing to a an FTP client and the green buttons says save and test. Nothing happens. After a while. The database button reverts to off. That’s it. Over. Nothing happens. Try to use the backup button. Nothing happens. Cannot even click the button for an interaction. Nothing.

    Any help greatly appreciated. There is no way to adjust the legacy backup jobs, so totally stuck here.
    Thank you in advance.

    Plugin Support Ashiquzzaman Kiron


    Hello @cliffhumit,
    And my old cron backups are still working although with tons of errors of files names being too long or whatever.
    We’ve recently added back the old Archive file format option, you can change the backup file format. Please change it to zip and see if the errors still happen. If yes, kindly share the error message.

    When trying to create a back up. literally nothing happens. Nothing. I am pushing to a an FTP client and the green buttons says save and test. Nothing happens.
    Are you referring to manual “Backup Now” button or “Scheduled backup”? Can you share any steps (screenshot or screen record) that will help me identify the issue?

    After a while. The database button reverts to off. That’s it. Over. Nothing happens.
    We are aware of this issue and are already working to fix it. Sorry for the inconvenience for the time being ??


    Thank you for the quick response.

    As my backup jobs are older, there seems no way to edit them what so ever. I can get to them and editing is not possible. I can see where I can choose what file to archive and it has no affect on legacy cron jobs. They just exist, and I am grateful they are still working. Even with the expected errors. File too big, name too long, etc.

    This is why I wanted to create a new backup job. Presently, there seems no way to do this. I’m using FTP as the save option. I’ve tested the info. Then I tried local, and cannot seem to cancel the FTP. As in there is not a lot of control. Once I select FTP, I am stuck with FTP. If I select local folder then now I am stuck with both local folder and FTP as options. I cannot uncheck or change. Only add. And again, when you hit the back up button, nothing happens. The Cron job list refreshes. The database gets switched off, and that’s it. Back to square one.

    BackWPup simply doesn’t work when trying to preform a backup using the new interface. I love this plugin. Super grateful it exists. This plugin has saved me many times over my wordpress experience. Thank you for keeping this plugin going. I am sure you guys will figure it out.

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