The log shows:
“8692.240 (0) PHP event: code E_WARNING: Error while sending QUERY packet. PID=229406 (line 2033, wp-includes/wp-db.php)”
The most likely cause is that the database server drops the connection to WordPress after a set amount of time, and as a result UpdraftPlus isn’t able to update the database’s record of backup progress. You could avoid that by adding this to your wp-config.php, which causes UpdraftPlus to kill itself after 90 seconds (which appears to be the time after which the errors start) – when it resumes, it then will get another 90 seconds (and will continue until it completes):
Also could you try to reduce the backup archive split size. This will split the backup into smaller, more manageable files.
To do this, open the ‘expert settings’ section of the UpdraftPlus Settings tab, and find the ‘split backups every’ option. Set this to 25Mb save your settings and run a new process.
If the issue persists, please ask your hosts/server admin to investigate their PHP error logs. These logs should contain more information on the exact issue that is causing the backup process to halt.
Best wishes,