• Hi,
    I’ve configured my Google Drive after reviewing your previous posting explaining how to Create a Client ID for Web Applications, and Authorization to my Google Drive has been granted and shows in the Settings.
    I’ve chosen Daily in the When to Backup box and Clicked Save Changes but no backups have occurred. Next Scheduled Backup and Current Date and Time show the same date and time (the time I clicked Save changes) yet no backups happen.
    Is there something else I need to do to make is start backup up?

    My Google Drive contains no files and the Backup.log in wp-content/backup contains nothing but headings.


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  • Hi

    Thanks for your plugin.
    I tried to get backup and got this error on my error log:

    Received response code ‘400 Bad Request’ while trying to get ‘https://docs.google.com/feeds/default/private/full/mydomain&#8217;. Response body: <errors xmlns=’https://schemas.google.com/g/2005′><error><domain>GData</domain&gt;InvalidEntryException<internalReason>Invalid document id: mydomain</internalReason></error></errors>

    Hi danny,

    I think you entered the name of your Drive folder instead of the ID.

    hi hel.io

    Yes that was my problem. I left it empty and I got the backup.



    I’m sorry, I updated the plugin, but I’m getting the same error (I did a forced reload to make sure I wasn’t using and I’m running into the same issue:

    White screen and no log. The thing that I found kind of curious it’s that when I first installed the plugin the local folder path was some kind of random alpha numeric value, that was the same argument in the “backup now” button: site.com/?backup=id. No matter if I change the local path, that “uri” doesn’t change.


    I removed and re-installed the plugin: Now I have a different local-folder .../backup-id and the manual backup still doesn’t work (changing the local fold doesn’t change the uri from the button either).

    The thing that I found kind of curious it’s that when I first installed the plugin the local folder path was some kind of random alpha numeric value, that was the same argument in the “backup now” button: site.com/?backup=id. No matter if I change the local path, that “uri” doesn’t change.

    This is for security reasons.

    There might be another plugin interfering with Backup. If you would like, I can take a look at your setup. Just send me an email.

    Hi Hel.io I hope you can please help me – I installed this on one website, hooked up google drive and everything worked lovely – so I installed on another server… and its not working so nicely…

    here are the issues:

    google is authorized
    click back up now – takes to blank page that doesn’t do anything
    DOES do the backup and puts on server in the ?backup folder in zip with log – but in plugin still says last backup never, and also not going to google drive… any suggestions? or can I send you an email to take a look?


    Hm, that installation is a mess and I’m in changing the whole stuff… I’ll keep the pluging waiting then until I fix that. As soon as I get it done I’ll try again ??


    Yes, please send me an email.

    where can I find your email bud?

    In the first few lines of the plugin’s source code for example.

    just finished installation. doing on time backup now. process loading… so i hope backup will happen sometime today.

    just dropped a line to say thank you. Really appreciate you writing the plugin and giving the amazing support that i see on this forum!


    Thank you for your kind words!

    ?? Configured and thought it should work but nothing happens. Both with on time backup and scheduled backup.

    Had the same issue after upgrading to 2.1.3.
    Manual backup wouldn’t start (blank screen), scheduled backups wouldn’t either.

    after some debugging it seemed obvious the backup.php script was exiting at this line :

    if ( get_transient( 'backup_lock' ) )
      exit; // Exit if another backup process is running.

    I’m not too familiar with how these transient stuffs work in WP, but it was clearly the issue. I commented out the 2-3 lines after and now it runs ok. Still have the issue that I can’t upload my 400Meg file to GDrive, but I imagine this is due to the memory config of my shared host. Would be nice to have a more verbose log once the upload starts.

    nice tool but a bit complex to have up and running if you’re not admin of your site.

    But it’s freeware.. let’s contribute to make it better.

    hey Sorin, I waited a few days to backup again

    it still says last backup never after I ran the backup

    i think it is that transient thing still not fixed

    I tried increasing the time from 300 to 500 and running backup again – now it just freezes on this page: /?backup=kz78CVflYjEU

    Here is an image of that one:

    and where it still is not updating the last backup, still says never:

    I installed the plugin on another site – also and just got the same error about timed out

    here is an image of the second site:

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