• We are trying to back up our database and multisite in order to update to the newest version of WordPress.

    We are currently running WordPress 4.8.7 and have installed BackUpWordPress correctly and are now trying to run an unscheduled backup. I started the backup yesterday and 24 hours later it still said it was backing up. I cancelled the backup, deactivated the plugin, reactivated it, and tried to run the backup again and two hours later it still says it’s backing up. There is no progress bar to indicate how long it plans to take, and our files and database are less than 1 GB (995 MB).

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  • Plugin Author XIBO



    From your description, it appears that the backup process is being killed off without the ability to update the frontend.

    Please could you (or your hosts/server admin) check the PHP error logs? These should have a record of any errors that may have killed off the backups.

    Thread Starter obaskerville


    I’m afraid we don’t really have the capacity to do that – our server admin only works a couple of weeks a year.

    Is there any other way to fix it?

    I have the same trouble since 10 days. There is no backup, but there is also not a error message.

    What can I do?


    I think I found the solution: the weekly schedule gives problems with the daily schedule. I remove one and now it seems oke.

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