To repair the table;
log into the phpMyAdmin dashboard (often from cPanel or your host’s site tools) and select the WordPress database that you want to repair from the left menu. On the right, you’ll see an overview of all the tables within that database:
You can select one or multiple tables by clicking on the checkbox to the left of their names. Once you choose the tables that you want to repair, open the With selected: dropdown menu at the bottom of the screen and click on the Repair table option:
Select the wp_wfhoover table before choosing the Repair table option and clicking on the Go button.
To remove (drop) the table;
Login to cPanel and open up phpMyAdmin.
Select the database that contains the table you wish to drop from the list shown in the left hand column.
Locate the table you want to drop from the list shown in the right hand panel and click on Drop to delete the table.
You will receive a warning popup. Click on OK to drop the table.