• Hi there my site has approx 500 posts and pages, quite a few photos but they are quite small.
    I have my settings set at retry up to 9 times. I kicked off my first backup this morning at 00:14. To save putting the log up on here (I can do if it helps?), this was the approximate sequence of events –

    00:14 – Job starts
    Backing up, from 00:21 – 03:50 there were 9 messages saying Job restart due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.
    Then trying to send backup file to Dropbox. Authenticated ok. 5 Job restart messages while uploading to Dropbox.
    Then (400) False offset will corrected
    Then 5 messages saying “Error:Uploaded file size and local files size don’t match”, before the job ended with these errors at 05:04

    If I check my dropbox account I have a zip file of 229mb in size.

    So I’m not sure if this has worked or not due to hitting the limit of retries at various points and the file size error, can anybody advise? Also should it really take nearly 5 hours to back this up?
    Thanks in advance.


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