• I’ve tried two different backup methods, but both failed. The first time, I got the same message that I’ve seen on other posts. Below is the full error message.

    There was an error retrieving the JSON data from the server, try again or contact the developers!

    Details: error — Not Found

    JSON url: admin-ajax.php?action=json_return&option=com_cloner&task=refresh&json=1&startf=1500&lines=9560&backup=backup_2015-03-24_16-53_mthayer.com-sql-nodrop.tar&excl_manual=

    A second attempt failed at the exact same spot around 15% into the backup. So I switched the Backup Refresh Mode from Ajax to Normal. That enabled me to get further, but at 49%, I suddenly got a Page Not Found message. I clicked back to the backup progress screen and clicked the Continue link. I managed to get the backup up to 64%, but that was it. I just kept getting Page Not Found. I took a look at the error log, and there is a whole slew of error messages starting out with:

    WordPress database error MySQL server has gone away for query SELECT

    This particular site has always been a challenge to backup. I believe it is because it has a photo album (WP Photo Album Plus), which significantly increases the size of the site. WP Clone was never able to do a full save, and neither can All-in-One WP Migration. The only plugin that I have been able to get a full backup with is UpDraftPlus, and it takes a very long time. I can’t even be sure that the UpDraftPlus backups are okay since I haven’t tried using one.

    So, that’s where I stand. Is there anything that can be done? I need to move my site, and it’s starting to look like I’m going to have to do it manually.


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  • You should check first the disk space available and second check if there is a file size limitation on single files? Check the view backup screen to see if the backup files are the same size?

    I would advise excluding the media directory and see if the backup finishes this way.

    Regards, Ovidiu

    Third, you should exclude any other backups generate by third party plugins, they increase the backup size as well.


    Thread Starter MaureenT


    There is plenty of disk space. I was unable to find any info on file size limitations. I did, however, get a notice from my Web site host that I’d come very close to maxing out the limit on my CPU Usage and Physical Memory Usage in a 24-hour period. Between all the attempts to make a backup with various plugins, I’d apparently hit those limits. So, it’s possible that is the reason for the problem. I can try again on another day and see if I have the same problem. I’ll let you know what happens.

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