Backup Failure
[STEP] [2022-07-29 04:02:58] Looking for PHP CLI executable file.
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:02:59] PHP CLI Filename: php
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:02:59] PHP CLI Version: 7.4.30 (cli)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:02:59] PHP CLI Memory limit: 512M/512M
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:02:59] PHP CLI Execution limit: 0/0
[SUCCESS] [2022-07-29 04:02:59] We properly detected PHP CLI executable file.
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Something went wrong in PHP CLI process, backup will be continued with legacy methods.
[STEP] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Initializing backup…
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Backup & Migration version: 1.2.1
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Site which will be backed up: ***site_url***
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] PHP Version: 7.4.30
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] WP Version: 5.7.6
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] MySQL Version: 5.6.41
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] MySQL Max Length: 268435456
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Web server: Apache
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Max execution time (in seconds): 259200
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Max rows per query (this site): 300
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Checking if backup dir is writable…
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Premium plugin is enabled and activated
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Initializing custom error handler
[SUCCESS] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Yup it is writable…
[STEP] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Scanning files…
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (200.69 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/ai1wm-backups/ (214.62 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (381.92 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (382.09 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (382.10 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (382.20 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (382.63 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (383.08 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (383.92 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (383.95 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (385.21 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (386.66 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (394.28 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (394.71 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (396.19 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (398.61 MB)
[STEP] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Checking free space, reserving…
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Requires at least 5699802722 bytes. [5.31 GB]
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Disk free space function is not disabled – using it…
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Checking this path/partition: ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/***backup_path***/backups
[SUCCESS] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] There is 9,627.86 MB free. [9.4 GB]
[SUCCESS] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Great! We have enough space.
[SUCCESS] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Confirmed, there is more than enough space, checked: 5699802722 bytes
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Scanning done – found 26727 files…
[SUCCESS] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Backup initialized…
[STEP] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Initializing archiving system…
[SUCCESS] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Archive system initialized…
[STEP] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Preparing map of files…
[SUCCESS] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Files prepared.
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Starting compression process…
[STEP] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Smart memory calculation…
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] There is 512 MBs of memory to use
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] WordPress memory limit: 512 MBs
[SUCCESS] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Setting the safe limit to 115 MB
[STEP] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Making database backup (using V2 engine, requires at least v1.1.0 to restore)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Iterating database…
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:01] Memory usage after initialization: 29.19 MB
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Scan found 134 tables (371211 rows), estimated total size: 197.27 MB.
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Memory usage after getting table names: 29.25 MB
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting table recipes…
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table recipes have been exported.
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Memory usage after loading recipes: 29.35 MB
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Saving recipes…
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Recipes saved.
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Memory usage after recipe off-load: 29.29 MB
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Exporting table data…
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ab_appointments (0.06 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ab_appointments cloned, operation took: 0.00574 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ab_categories (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ab_categories cloned, operation took: 0.00030 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ab_coupon_services (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ab_coupon_services cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ab_coupons (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ab_coupons cloned, operation took: 0.00030 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ab_customer_appointments (0.06 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ab_customer_appointments cloned, operation took: 0.00020 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ab_customers (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ab_customers cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ab_holidays (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ab_holidays cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ab_notifications (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ab_notifications cloned, operation took: 0.00171 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ab_payments (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ab_payments cloned, operation took: 0.00025 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ab_schedule_item_breaks (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ab_schedule_item_breaks cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ab_sent_notifications (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ab_sent_notifications cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ab_series (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ab_series cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ab_services (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ab_services cloned, operation took: 0.00162 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ab_staff (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ab_staff cloned, operation took: 0.00066 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ab_staff_schedule_items (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ab_staff_schedule_items cloned, operation took: 0.00177 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ab_staff_services (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ab_staff_services cloned, operation took: 0.00133 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_actions (0.14 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_actionscheduler_actions cloned, operation took: 0.00142 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_claims (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_actionscheduler_claims cloned, operation took: 0.00073 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_groups (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_actionscheduler_groups cloned, operation took: 0.00060 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_actionscheduler_logs (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_actionscheduler_logs cloned, operation took: 0.00131 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_commentmeta (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_commentmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_comments (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_comments cloned, operation took: 0.00020 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ihc_cheat_off (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ihc_cheat_off cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ihc_coupons (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ihc_coupons cloned, operation took: 0.00056 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ihc_dashboard_notifications (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ihc_dashboard_notifications cloned, operation took: 0.00058 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ihc_debug_payments (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ihc_debug_payments cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ihc_download_monitor_limit (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ihc_download_monitor_limit cloned, operation took: 0.00020 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ihc_gift_templates (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ihc_gift_templates cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ihc_invitation_codes (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ihc_invitation_codes cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ihc_notifications (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ihc_notifications cloned, operation took: 0.00092 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ihc_orders (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ihc_orders cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ihc_orders_meta (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ihc_orders_meta cloned, operation took: 0.00020 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ihc_reason_for_cancel_delete_levels (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ihc_reason_for_cancel_delete_levels cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ihc_security_login (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ihc_security_login cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ihc_taxes (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ihc_taxes cloned, operation took: 0.00020 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ihc_user_levels (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ihc_user_levels cloned, operation took: 0.00019 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ihc_user_logs (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ihc_user_logs cloned, operation took: 0.00020 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ihc_user_sites (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ihc_user_sites cloned, operation took: 0.00020 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ihc_woo_product_level_relations (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ihc_woo_product_level_relations cloned, operation took: 0.00024 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ihc_woo_products (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ihc_woo_products cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_indeed_members_payments (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_indeed_members_payments cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_latepoint_activities (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_latepoint_activities cloned, operation took: 0.01109 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_latepoint_agent_meta (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_latepoint_agent_meta cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_latepoint_agents (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_latepoint_agents cloned, operation took: 0.00171 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_latepoint_agents_services (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_latepoint_agents_services cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_latepoint_booking_meta (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_latepoint_booking_meta cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_latepoint_bookings (0.04 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_latepoint_bookings cloned, operation took: 0.01058 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_latepoint_coupons (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_latepoint_coupons cloned, operation took: 0.00163 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_latepoint_custom_prices (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_latepoint_custom_prices cloned, operation took: 0.00268 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_latepoint_customer_meta (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_latepoint_customer_meta cloned, operation took: 0.01532 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_latepoint_customers (0.08 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_latepoint_customers cloned, operation took: 0.02369 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_latepoint_locations (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_latepoint_locations cloned, operation took: 0.00144 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_latepoint_messages (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_latepoint_messages cloned, operation took: 0.00134 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_latepoint_sent_reminders (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_latepoint_sent_reminders cloned, operation took: 0.00611 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_latepoint_service_categories (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_latepoint_service_categories cloned, operation took: 0.00027 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_latepoint_service_meta (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_latepoint_service_meta cloned, operation took: 0.00162 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_latepoint_services (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_latepoint_services cloned, operation took: 0.00167 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_latepoint_settings (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_latepoint_settings cloned, operation took: 0.00257 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_latepoint_step_settings (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_latepoint_step_settings cloned, operation took: 0.00233 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_latepoint_transactions (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_latepoint_transactions cloned, operation took: 0.00751 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_latepoint_work_periods (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_latepoint_work_periods cloned, operation took: 0.00395 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_links (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_links cloned, operation took: 0.00039 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_litespeed_url (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_litespeed_url cloned, operation took: 0.00027 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_litespeed_url_file (0.09 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_litespeed_url_file cloned, operation took: 0.00039 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_login_redirects (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_login_redirects cloned, operation took: 0.00089 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_mo_openid_linked_user (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_mo_openid_linked_user cloned, operation took: 0.00027 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_ms_snippets (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_ms_snippets cloned, operation took: 0.00031 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_options (5.70 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_options cloned, operation took: 0.15953 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_pmpro_discount_codes (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_pmpro_discount_codes cloned, operation took: 0.00087 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_pmpro_discount_codes_levels (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_pmpro_discount_codes_levels cloned, operation took: 0.00169 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_pmpro_discount_codes_uses (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_pmpro_discount_codes_uses cloned, operation took: 0.00348 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_pmpro_groups (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_pmpro_groups cloned, operation took: 0.00136 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_pmpro_membership_levelmeta (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_pmpro_membership_levelmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00161 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_pmpro_membership_levels (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_pmpro_membership_levels cloned, operation took: 0.00086 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_pmpro_membership_levels_groups (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_pmpro_membership_levels_groups cloned, operation took: 0.00117 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_pmpro_membership_ordermeta (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Table: wp_pmpro_membership_ordermeta cloned, operation took: 0.00031 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:02] Getting data of table: wp_pmpro_membership_orders (5.40 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Backup via PHP CLI initialized successfully.
[STEP] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Initializing backup…
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Backup & Migration version: 1.2.1
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Site which will be backed up: ***site_url***
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] PHP Version: 7.4.30
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] WP Version: 5.7.6
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] MySQL Version: 5.6.41
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] MySQL Max Length: 268435456
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Web server: Not available
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Max execution time (in seconds): 259200
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Max rows per query (this site): 300
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Checking if backup dir is writable…
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Premium plugin is enabled and activated
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Initializing custom error handler
[SUCCESS] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Yup it is writable…
[STEP] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Scanning files…
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Table: wp_pmpro_membership_orders cloned, operation took: 2.52528 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Getting data of table: wp_pmpro_memberships_categories (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Table: wp_pmpro_memberships_categories cloned, operation took: 0.00025 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Getting data of table: wp_pmpro_memberships_pages (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Table: wp_pmpro_memberships_pages cloned, operation took: 0.00823 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Getting data of table: wp_pmpro_memberships_users (2.07 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (383.95 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (383.08 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (383.92 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (381.92 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (382.20 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (382.09 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (394.28 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (386.66 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (398.61 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (394.71 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (396.19 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (382.10 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (382.63 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (200.69 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/updraft/ (385.21 MB)
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Removing file from backup (too large) ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/ai1wm-backups/ (214.62 MB)
[STEP] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Checking free space, reserving…
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Requires at least 5699802722 bytes. [5.31 GB]
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Disk free space function is not disabled – using it…
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Checking this path/partition: ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/***backup_path***/backups
[SUCCESS] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] There is 9,616.84 MB free. [9.39 GB]
[SUCCESS] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Great! We have enough space.
[SUCCESS] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Confirmed, there is more than enough space, checked: 5699802722 bytes
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Scanning done – found 26727 files…
[SUCCESS] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Backup initialized…
[STEP] [2022-07-29 04:03:05] Initializing archiving system…
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:06] Table: wp_pmpro_memberships_users cloned, operation took: 0.70806 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:06] Getting data of table: wp_postmeta (3.08 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:06] Table: wp_postmeta cloned, operation took: 0.30135 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:06] Getting data of table: wp_posts (19.65 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Table: wp_posts cloned, operation took: 0.99623 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_css (0.13 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Table: wp_revslider_css cloned, operation took: 0.00560 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_css_bkp (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Table: wp_revslider_css_bkp cloned, operation took: 0.00219 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_layer_animations (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Table: wp_revslider_layer_animations cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_layer_animations_bkp (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Table: wp_revslider_layer_animations_bkp cloned, operation took: 0.00020 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_navigations (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Table: wp_revslider_navigations cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_navigations_bkp (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Table: wp_revslider_navigations_bkp cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_sliders (0.11 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Table: wp_revslider_sliders cloned, operation took: 0.00167 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_sliders_bkp (0.11 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Table: wp_revslider_sliders_bkp cloned, operation took: 0.01777 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_slides (0.39 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Table: wp_revslider_slides cloned, operation took: 0.00595 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_slides_bkp (0.39 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Table: wp_revslider_slides_bkp cloned, operation took: 0.03528 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_static_slides (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Table: wp_revslider_static_slides cloned, operation took: 0.00107 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Getting data of table: wp_revslider_static_slides_bkp (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Table: wp_revslider_static_slides_bkp cloned, operation took: 0.00117 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Getting data of table: wp_sgpb_subscribers (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Table: wp_sgpb_subscribers cloned, operation took: 0.00034 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Getting data of table: wp_sgpb_subscription_error_log (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Table: wp_sgpb_subscription_error_log cloned, operation took: 0.00030 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Getting data of table: wp_snippets (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Table: wp_snippets cloned, operation took: 0.00191 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Getting data of table: wp_social_users (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Table: wp_social_users cloned, operation took: 0.00040 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Getting data of table: wp_term_relationships (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Table: wp_term_relationships cloned, operation took: 0.00212 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Getting data of table: wp_term_taxonomy (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Table: wp_term_taxonomy cloned, operation took: 0.00192 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Getting data of table: wp_termmeta (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Table: wp_termmeta cloned, operation took: 0.00035 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Getting data of table: wp_terms (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Table: wp_terms cloned, operation took: 0.00156 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:07] Getting data of table: wp_usermeta (16.77 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:24] Table: wp_usermeta cloned, operation took: 16.57649 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:24] Getting data of table: wp_users (1.12 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:24] Table: wp_users cloned, operation took: 0.29718 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:24] Getting data of table: wp_wfblockediplog (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:24] Table: wp_wfblockediplog cloned, operation took: 0.00754 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:24] Getting data of table: wp_wfblocks7 (0.04 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:24] Table: wp_wfblocks7 cloned, operation took: 0.00062 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:24] Getting data of table: wp_wfconfig (2.35 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:24] Table: wp_wfconfig cloned, operation took: 0.01492 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:24] Getting data of table: wp_wfcrawlers (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:24] Table: wp_wfcrawlers cloned, operation took: 0.00291 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:24] Getting data of table: wp_wffilechanges (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:24] Table: wp_wffilechanges cloned, operation took: 0.00026 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:24] Getting data of table: wp_wffilemods (6.06 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:25] Table: wp_wffilemods cloned, operation took: 1.32552 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:25] Getting data of table: wp_wfhits (1.08 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:25] Table: wp_wfhits cloned, operation took: 0.14401 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:25] Getting data of table: wp_wfhoover (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:25] Table: wp_wfhoover cloned, operation took: 0.00023 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:25] Getting data of table: wp_wfissues (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:25] Table: wp_wfissues cloned, operation took: 0.00220 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:25] Getting data of table: wp_wfknownfilelist (4.10 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Table: wp_wfknownfilelist cloned, operation took: 0.65720 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Getting data of table: wp_wflivetraffichuman (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Table: wp_wflivetraffichuman cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Getting data of table: wp_wflocs (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Table: wp_wflocs cloned, operation took: 0.00081 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Getting data of table: wp_wflogins (0.61 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Table: wp_wflogins cloned, operation took: 0.07272 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Getting data of table: wp_wfls_2fa_secrets (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Table: wp_wfls_2fa_secrets cloned, operation took: 0.00021 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Getting data of table: wp_wfls_settings (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Table: wp_wfls_settings cloned, operation took: 0.00125 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Getting data of table: wp_wfnotifications (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Table: wp_wfnotifications cloned, operation took: 0.00071 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Getting data of table: wp_wfpendingissues (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Table: wp_wfpendingissues cloned, operation took: 0.00057 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Getting data of table: wp_wfreversecache (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Table: wp_wfreversecache cloned, operation took: 0.00055 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Getting data of table: wp_wfsnipcache (0.01 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Table: wp_wfsnipcache cloned, operation took: 0.00022 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Getting data of table: wp_wfstatus (0.21 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Table: wp_wfstatus cloned, operation took: 0.02163 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Getting data of table: wp_wftrafficrates (0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Table: wp_wftrafficrates cloned, operation took: 0.00025 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Getting data of table: wp_wpmailsmtp_debug_events (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Table: wp_wpmailsmtp_debug_events cloned, operation took: 0.00055 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Getting data of table: wp_wpmailsmtp_tasks_meta (0.02 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Table: wp_wpmailsmtp_tasks_meta cloned, operation took: 0.00018 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:26] Getting data of table: wp_wsal_metadata (106.05 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:35] Table: wp_wsal_metadata cloned, operation took: 9.00766 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:35] Getting data of table: wp_wsal_occurrences (17.08 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:40] Table: wp_wsal_occurrences cloned, operation took: 4.30294 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:40] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_indexable (2.09 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:40] Table: wp_yoast_indexable cloned, operation took: 0.43841 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:40] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_indexable_hierarchy (0.09 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:40] Table: wp_yoast_indexable_hierarchy cloned, operation took: 0.00574 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:40] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_migrations (0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:40] Table: wp_yoast_migrations cloned, operation took: 0.00089 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:40] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_primary_term (0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:40] Table: wp_yoast_primary_term cloned, operation took: 0.00205 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:40] Getting data of table: wp_yoast_seo_links (0.25 MB)
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:40] Table: wp_yoast_seo_links cloned, operation took: 0.03855 ms
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:40] Table data exported.
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:40] Memory usage after data export: 29.27 MB
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:40] Entire process took: 38.6011 s
[SUCCESS] [2022-07-29 04:03:40] Database backup finished
[STEP] [2022-07-29 04:03:40] Making archive
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:40] Compressing…
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:40] Using PclZip module to create the backup
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:40] Legacy setting: Using default modules depending on user server
[INFO] [2022-07-29 04:03:40] Starting background process on server-side…
[SUCCESS] [2022-07-29 04:03:40] Request sent successfully, without error returned.
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:42] Could not find any response from the server, trying again in 3 seconds.
[WARN] [2022-07-29 04:03:45] Still nothing backup probably is not running.
[STEP] [2022-07-29 04:03:45] Reverting backup, removing file…
[ERROR] [2022-07-29 04:03:45] There was an error during backup…
[ERROR] [2022-07-29 04:03:45] Backup could not run on your server, please check global logs.
[STEP] [2022-07-29 04:03:45] Aborting backup…
[DOWNLOAD GENERATED] File downloaded on (server time): 2022-07-29 04:03:55
[DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (seconds): 57 seconds ago
[DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (date): 2022-07-29 04:02:58
- The topic ‘Backup Failure’ is closed to new replies.