backup failed at 73%
Debug code BMI-wbLEM9yR-95357
Please assist, the backup failed at 73% I have cleaned out all unnecessary files and deactivate all security plugins. Logs as below
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] Looking for PHP CLI executable file.
[WARN] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] PHP CLI is disabled in your php.ini file, the process may be unstable.
[WARN] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] PHP CLI file cannot be executed due to unknown reason.
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] Initializing backup…
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] Backup & Migration version: 1.2.7
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] Site which will be backed up: site_url
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] PHP Version: 7.4.33
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] WP Version: 6.1.1
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] MySQL Version: 5.5.5
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] MySQL Max Length: 268435456
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] Web server: Apache
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] Max execution time (in seconds): 259200
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] Max rows per query (this site): 2000
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] Checking if backup dir is writable…
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] Initializing custom error handler
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] Yup it is writable…
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] Scanning files…
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] Checking free space, reserving…
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] Requires at least 281343788 bytes. [268.31 MB]
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] Disk free space function is not disabled - using it…
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] Checking this path/partition: ABSPATH/wp-content/backup_path/backups
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] There is 55,657.32 MB free. [54.35 GB]
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] Great! We have enough space.
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] Confirmed, there is more than enough space, checked: 281343788 bytes
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] Scanning done - found 5479 files…
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] Backup initialized…
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] Initializing archiving system…
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:10] Archive system initialized…
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Preparing map of files…
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Files prepared.
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Starting compression process…
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Smart memory calculation…
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] There is 384 MBs of memory to use
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] WordPress memory limit: 256 MBs
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Setting the safe limit to 86 MB
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Using PclZip module to create the backup
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Legacy setting: Using default modules depending on user server
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Making database backup (using v3 engine, requires at least v1.2.2 to restore)
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Iterating database…
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Memory usage after initialization: 49.70 MB
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Scan found 50 tables (15245 rows), estimated total size: 13.98 MB.
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Memory usage after getting table names: 49.73 MB
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Getting table recipes…
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Table recipes have been exported.
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Memory usage after loading recipes: 49.76 MB
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Saving recipes…
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Recipes saved.
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Memory usage after recipe off-load: 49.74 MB
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Exporting table data…
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Getting data of table: wp7d_cmplz_cookiebanners (1/50, 0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Table wp7d_cmplz_cookiebanners is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Getting data of table: wp7d_commentmeta (2/50, 0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Table wp7d_commentmeta is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Getting data of table: wp7d_comments (3/50, 0.01 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Table export for: wp7d_comments finished (0.00194s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Getting data of table: wp7d_links (4/50, 0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Table wp7d_links is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Getting data of table: wp7d_options (5/50, 0.08 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Table export for: wp7d_options finished (0.00807s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Getting data of table: wp7d_postmeta (6/50, 0.01 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Table export for: wp7d_postmeta finished (0.00171s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Getting data of table: wp7d_posts (7/50, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Table export for: wp7d_posts finished (0.00334s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Getting data of table: wp7d_term_relationships (8/50, 0.00 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Table export for: wp7d_term_relationships finished (0.00152s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Getting data of table: wp7d_term_taxonomy (9/50, 0.00 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Table export for: wp7d_term_taxonomy finished (0.00139s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Getting data of table: wp7d_termmeta (10/50, 0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Table wp7d_termmeta is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Getting data of table: wp7d_terms (11/50, 0.01 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Table export for: wp7d_terms finished (0.00138s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Getting data of table: wp7d_usermeta (12/50, 0.01 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Table export for: wp7d_usermeta finished (0.00196s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Getting data of table: wp7d_users (13/50, 0.01 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Table export for: wp7d_users finished (0.00143s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Getting data of table: wp_cmplz_cookiebanners (14/50, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Table export for: wp_cmplz_cookiebanners finished (0.00172s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Getting data of table: wp_cmplz_cookies (15/50, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Table export for: wp_cmplz_cookies finished (0.00418s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Getting data of table: wp_cmplz_services (16/50, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Table export for: wp_cmplz_services finished (0.00183s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Getting data of table: wp_commentmeta (17/50, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Table wp_commentmeta is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Getting data of table: wp_comments (18/50, 0.09 MB)
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Table wp_comments is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Getting data of table: wp_links (19/50, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Table wp_links is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Getting data of table: wp_options (20/50, 1.16 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Table export for: wp_options finished (0.02493s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Getting data of table: wp_postmeta (21/50, 1.58 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Table export for: wp_postmeta finished (0.05404s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:11] Getting data of table: wp_posts (22/50, 6.58 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:16] Table export for: wp_posts finished (5.38098s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:16] Getting data of table: wp_term_relationships (23/50, 0.03 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:16] Table export for: wp_term_relationships finished (0.00179s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:16] Getting data of table: wp_term_taxonomy (24/50, 0.05 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:16] Table export for: wp_term_taxonomy finished (0.00239s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:16] Getting data of table: wp_termmeta (25/50, 0.05 MB)
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:16] Table wp_termmeta is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:16] Getting data of table: wp_terms (26/50, 0.05 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:16] Table export for: wp_terms finished (0.00195s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:16] Getting data of table: wp_usermeta (27/50, 0.05 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:16] Table export for: wp_usermeta finished (0.00312s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:16] Getting data of table: wp_users (28/50, 0.06 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:16] Table export for: wp_users finished (0.00125s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:16] Getting data of table: wp_wfblockediplog (29/50, 0.00 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:16] Table export for: wp_wfblockediplog finished (0.00161s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:16] Getting data of table: wp_wfblocks7 (30/50, 0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:16] Table wp_wfblocks7 is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:16] Getting data of table: wp_wfconfig (31/50, 1.19 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:16] Table export for: wp_wfconfig finished (0.01997s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:16] Getting data of table: wp_wfcrawlers (32/50, 0.00 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:16] Table export for: wp_wfcrawlers finished (0.00160s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:16] Getting data of table: wp_wffilechanges (33/50, 0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:16] Table wp_wffilechanges is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:16] Getting data of table: wp_wffilemods (34/50, 1.59 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Table export for: wp_wffilemods finished (2.01127s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Getting data of table: wp_wfhits (35/50, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Table export for: wp_wfhits finished (0.00531s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Getting data of table: wp_wfhoover (36/50, 0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Table wp_wfhoover is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Getting data of table: wp_wfissues (37/50, 0.01 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Table export for: wp_wfissues finished (0.00174s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Getting data of table: wp_wfknownfilelist (38/50, 0.99 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Table export for: wp_wfknownfilelist finished (0.18186s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Getting data of table: wp_wflivetraffichuman (39/50, 0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Table wp_wflivetraffichuman is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Getting data of table: wp_wflocs (40/50, 0.00 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Table export for: wp_wflocs finished (0.00135s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Getting data of table: wp_wflogins (41/50, 0.01 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Table export for: wp_wflogins finished (0.00219s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Getting data of table: wp_wfls_2fa_secrets (42/50, 0.03 MB)
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Table wp_wfls_2fa_secrets is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Getting data of table: wp_wfls_settings (43/50, 0.02 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Table export for: wp_wfls_settings finished (0.00157s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Getting data of table: wp_wfnotifications (44/50, 0.00 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Table export for: wp_wfnotifications finished (0.00185s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Getting data of table: wp_wfpendingissues (45/50, 0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Table wp_wfpendingissues is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Getting data of table: wp_wfreversecache (46/50, 0.00 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Table export for: wp_wfreversecache finished (0.00130s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Getting data of table: wp_wfsnipcache (47/50, 0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Table wp_wfsnipcache is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Getting data of table: wp_wfstatus (48/50, 0.13 MB)
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Table export for: wp_wfstatus finished (0.02731s)
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Getting data of table: wp_wftrafficrates (49/50, 0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Table wp_wftrafficrates is empty, saving only recipe.
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Getting data of table: wp_wpvivid_options (50/50, 0.00 MB)
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Table wp_wpvivid_options is empty, saving only recipe.
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Table data exported.
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Memory usage after data export: 49.72 MB
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Entire process took: 7.9329 s
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Database backup finished
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Making archive
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Compressing…
[WARN] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Backup will run as single-request, may be unstable…
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:18] Adding database SQL file(s) to the backup file.
[SUCCESS] [2023-01-17 12:37:21] Database added to the backup successfully.
[STEP] [2023-01-17 12:37:21] Performing site files backup…
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:21] Chunks contain 500 files.
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:28] Milestone: 500/5479
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:46] Milestone: 1000/5479
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:37:58] Milestone: 1500/5479
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:38:03] Milestone: 2000/5479
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:38:28] Milestone: 2500/5479
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:39:15] Milestone: 3000/5479
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:39:58] Milestone: 3500/5479
[INFO] [2023-01-17 12:40:57] Milestone: 4000/5479 [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] File downloaded on (server time): 2023-01-17 12:43:08
[DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (seconds): 131 seconds ago
[DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (date): 2023-01-17 12:40:57The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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Viewing 2 replies - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
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