Hi @jychooytl
There is high chance that your site speed is limited which may slow down our backup process significantly.
If you’re using cPanel you may check for I/O limiting options or ask your hosting provider to temporarily disable this limitation for your site.
Our plugin also noticed issues with MySQL connection but unfortunately it does not caught at which point the connection closes.
It may be also possible that your MySQL user has limits of queries per hour or connections at once, can cause issues with more traffic.
It may also be caused by unstable connection to the database, if you can modify your wp-config.php please check if your host is set to localhost or “” if the database host is set to localhost change it to which may resolve the issue.
Please follow these steps carefully (some of these settings may be already applied by our plugin):
- Go to Backup & Migration plugin settings
- Open “Other options” section
- Disable PHP CLI checking: https://prnt.sc/1sljr31
- Change backup method: https://prnt.sc/1s1ofpa
- Save “Other options” section
- Force to end both processes (troubleshooting): https://prnt.sc/1trv1tm
At this point you can check for speed limitations which are main problem for our plugin process.
Right after the last step, you can run the backup process once again.
Please, keep in mind that above issues does not relate to our plugin only but may improve overall performance of your website and prevent issues with other plugins as well.
Let me know if that resolves your issue ??
Thank you!